Tenacity Triumphs in Westridge
SITE AREA: Your Home - Inside SCV Homes
It's easy to presume that anyone in possession of a 4,000-square-feet, six-bedroom, three-floored home in the plush neighborhood of Westridge is literally living on Easy Street. That kind of bounty, most of us would guess, could only come at the hands of Lady Luck, or, since this is S...
Entertaining atHome
SITE AREA: Your Home - Interior Looks
Creating a festive mood and preparing a Thanksgiving feast doesn't have to be a stressful experience if you plan ahead and prepare in steps. This is one party where you can't leave everything until the last minute. In fact, with careful planning, you'll be ready to enjoy the holiday y...
Great Ideas for the Autumn Outdoors
SITE AREA: Your Home - Inspired by Design
While the rest of the country waits for spring to indulge in landscape jobs, we in Santa Clarita have the luxury of mild fall weather, making this the perfect time for outdoor home improvements. This time of year, you might want to consider adding something new and exciting like a s...
Last Glance
SITE AREA: Family - Family Features
My dad used to tell us a great story. When he was just starting out in his own business (he installed chain link fences), he did a job for a man who was opening up a one-of-a-kind restaurant. This man told my dad that his restaurant would feature hamburgers and milkshakes at prices an...
Be Santa to 175 SCV Kids who Need your Help
SITE AREA: Family - Family Features
For most Santa Clarita children, the holidays are a magical time. But for some, Christmas is just another thing that reminds them that their family isn't as lucky as others. Hundreds of children will miss out on a big family meal, the memories of decorating a tree and opening a gift o...
BEAUTY Inside & Out
SITE AREA: Beauty - Skincare
The human eye is truly amazing. Our organs of sight, eyes allow us to visually integrate with, and experience, the world around us. The eye is also one of our most appealing facial features. Studies have shown that on first impressions, people are most often drawn to faces with ...
Emergency Preparedness
SITE AREA: Health - Healthy & Happy
Most of us think of disasters as large, catastrophic events over which we have little, if any, control. This is not true. By planning and preparing for disaster before it strikes, you can control how a disaster affects you and your family.
The Family Therapist is In
SITE AREA: Health - Healthy & Happy
Carpe Deim - Latin for seize the day! I wonder how we can seize the day if we don't know who we are. Just what are we seizing if we haven't spent anytime getting to know ourselves? The identity of one's self and the time we take to reflect on our identity is crucial for all of us. Ho...
Movers and Shakers
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Entertainment
After a weekend of fine stemware being poised in the nearly-upside down position (ooh... there's a little more left in here...) by thousands of very loose gooses (yeah, we know it's really "geese" but then the play on words doesn't work, does it?) Santa Clarita has finally proven to S...
Something Old, lots New for Boys & Girls Club Festival of Trees
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Entertainment
The Boys & Girls Club Festival of Trees has a unique way of formally kicking off the holiday season. SCV home dwellers know by now that they should see these trees before they start decorating at home. These professionally-created trees will motivate the decorator inside of you to spr...
Dining and Entertainment 911
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Entertainment
As the year comes to a close it's time to relax and take stock. Time to reflect on past accomplishments, new acquaintances made, old friendships strengthened and the blessings of family. It's a season of good cheer and fellowship as we unwind from the cares of the world.
Get Out of Town!
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Get Out of Town
Next time you're staring at that tropical screensaver on your monitor, and counting the days until your next visit to the islands, don't get depressed. Yes, that next vacation may be far off in the future, but a little taste of aloha is closer than you think. It's just over the hill ...
Business In Brief
SITE AREA: Business
Oasis Garden & Patio Transforms into Christmas Wonderland Oasis Garden & Patio on Centre Pointe Parkway has changed the entire merchandise selection for the approaching holiday season. The store has the largest selection of ornaments in the valley. In addition, they have artificial tr...
11 Questions for Brad Berens, Executive Director of Santa Clarita Committee on Aging
SITE AREA: Business
The Santa Clarita Valley Senior Center has been around for the past 30 years. Located in an oak-lined lot off of Market Street in Newhall, the Center is a meeting spot for many seniors who gather for exercise, a little bridge, some educational classes and a good meal, just to name a f...
I Heart SCV
This Thanksgiving, many former residents of the SCV will be returning here. Having forsaken our glorious valley for life elsewhere, I'm not all that sure we should be welcoming them back. But Santa Claritans are a forgiving people, and I suspect most will be only too happy to receive ...
Saugus Cross Country Athlete Katie Dunn Next Front Runner
The seeds of Katie Dunn's success may be bearing fruit now that she's a senior, but they were sown two years ago, during the last mile of a race in the summer before her sophomore year.
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