Touring the Old World via Circle J Ranch
SITE AREA: Your Home - Inside SCV Homes
When one thinks of Santa Clarita, the beautifully under-developed space that is Circle J Ranch rarely comes to mind, but not for lack of interesting homes, people and stories. In reality, the area is arguably one of the finest locations in the SCV to call home. The combination of an a...
The Valentine's Gift HE REALLY WANTS
SITE AREA: Your Home - Interior Looks
The good news: Men don't need beautiful centerpieces to think a party is successful. The bad news: You don't know a first-down from a Lombardi trophy. Don't worry. Hosting a Superbowl party is more about the shopping list than the decor. Here's what you need:
Entertaining At Home
SITE AREA: Your Home - Interior Looks
Hundreds of couples became engaged over the holidays and now it's time to share the good news with the rest of the world. What could be more romantic than a Valentine-themed engagement party?
A Gorgeous Head on Her Shoulders
SITE AREA: Family - Family Features
On her wedding day, nothing "frames" a beautiful bride like stunning hair. Be it a sexy upsweep, a luxurious mane with hair extensions, or a magnificent color, cut, and style, great hair makes for a great presentation.
Beauty and the Bride
SITE AREA: Beauty - Weddings & Events
Attention brides-to-be (or anyone who wants to look great for their own "big day"): Do you want to look your radiant best when you walk down the aisle? Would you like your skin to glow, your hair to be full and luxurious, and your makeup to be perfectly applied? Would you also like to...
From this Day Forward...
SITE AREA: Beauty - Weddings & Events
There is nothing like a little sparkle during the holidays and if you are now sporting a diamond ring on your left hand, that means you will soon be planning a special event of your own - your wedding. As you prepare for the big day, deciding a date may be one of the easiest decision...
FAMILY THERAPIST - A Word to Wise Women:
SITE AREA: Health - Healthy & Happy
Congratulations! We've lived though the holidays once again. This season, I had the most interesting conversations with absolute strangers. I made a point of starting up dialogue with other women shoppers while standing shoulder to shoulder in those eternally-long checkout lines. As I...
Health Notes
SITE AREA: Health - Healthy & Happy
Regular Dental Visits can Prevent Heart Attack and Stroke Recent studies show that the association between heart disease and gum disease is at least as strong as the linkage of heart disease to cholesterol, body weight and smoking. New research shows that common bacteria found in den...
The Dish!
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - The Dish
Every once in a while a new restaurant comes on the scene that has it all: great food, attentive service, a family-friendly environment in a posh atmosphere and all at an affordable price. Well, get ready folks, because New Moon Restaurant is just that kind of place.
Foundation for Children's Dental Health Hosts Masquerade Ball
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Entertainment
Everyone's talking about health insurance. Whether it's dealing with rising costs at open enrollment time, listening to presidential candidates pitch their universal coverage plans, or learning about a health insurer's sneaky policy rescission tactics, healthcare is one of the most im...
News & Notes
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Entertainment
Save the Date! Saturday, March 1 COC Honors Wayne Crawford with the Silver Spur Community Service Award The College of the Canyons Foundation Board of Directors will honor Crawford at the Globe Theatre located at Universal Studios. Crawford's exemplary record of community service i...
Movers and Shakers
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Entertainment
Observed They say that clothes make the man. And while "they" didn't show themselves at Carousel Ranch's festive Santa Day in December, their on-target philosophy held true - at least in the case of some fine gents who showed up on a blistery-cold morning to help local special-needs ...
Get Out of Town!
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Get Out of Town
"Because it is there." That was mountaineer George Mallory's answer when asked why he wanted to climb Mt. Everest. The same reason can be applied to Mt. Whitney, half the height of Everest, yet still the tallest mountain in the continental United States. But an even better answer is...
11 Questions with Pat and Angie Palmer
SITE AREA: Business
No one ever said marriage was easy and couples rarely enter into a relationship thinking the worst. Still, statistics are pretty grim and many marriages end in failure before the decade anniversary party.
Last Glance
SITE AREA: Business
When is love really love? That's a question we start asking as soon as we're old enough to pull petals off daisies. He loves me; he loves me not... She loves me; she loves me not...
Taxes - It's your Money
SITE AREA: Business
It's an oft-lamented truth about taxes that you can run but you can't hide. And even if you do run, you can't run for long. April 15 is closer than you think. The good news is April 15 is still far enough away for you to be proactive. According to some of the SCV's most seasoned a...
Business In Brief
SITE AREA: Business
Goddess Fitness Features New Class for Families Circus Kids/Fun Family Fitness is now being offered at Goddess Fitness for beginner to advanced levels at 11:30 a.m. on Saturdays. A free introduction class is being offered for a limited time. For more information call 251-2831.
I Heart SCV
Red roses and dinner in a dimly-lit, over-priced restaurant don't work for everyone on Valentine's Day. No, V-day plans have to be made with the Claritan you're seeing in mind, and some are more difficult to please than others. Below, I offer tips for dealing with a few of the most c...
Conquering "The Beast"
My car rolls to a stop just beyond Highway 14 at about 6:20 on an impossibly cold Newhall morning. San Fernando Road dead ends here, but my journey is just beginning.
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