PAST ISSUES   -   JUNE, 2008
Anything but Pretentious
SITE AREA: Your Home - Inside SCV Homes
If this 3,800-square-foot, 6-year-old Southern Oaks home was a museum, it would be one geared for children, filled with signs encouraging little ones to touch the exhibits. Yes, it's beautiful, but it's also relaxed and family friendly.
SITE AREA: Your Home - Interior Looks
When the scent of blueberry-jasmine candles wafts above the 78 color-coordinated satin pillows colonizing your couches and the TV remote has its own knitted cozy you know your man-card is in danger of repossession.
Cool Down this Summer
SITE AREA: Your Home - Interior Looks
With summer bearing down on the Santa Clarita Valley, we're all asking the same question: How am I going to keep my home cool without going broke? Energy prices are soaring, so you can expect higher bills. Higher, that is, unless you find a way a more efficient way of getting it done...
A Summer Camp for Every Kid
SITE AREA: Family - Education & Enrichment
Whether you need a creative day care solution or are searching for an enriching way to get the kids out of the house this summer, Santa Clarita has just what you (and your child!) are looking for. For the Child Searching for the Spotlight Santa Clarita School of Performing Arts Summ...
No One Like Dad
SITE AREA: Beauty - Fashion
"He's Always there for Me..." Marc "Evan has a great sense of responsibility and innately knows what's right or wrong. His sense of responsibility applies to his work at school, friends, and family. He simply will not let anyone down. It's a great lesson for anyone to learn."
Health Notes
SITE AREA: Health - Healthy & Happy
Pre-sun Care Apply your sunscreen at least 20 to 30 minutes prior to going out in the sun. Also, make sure any facial or body moisturizer is applied first and completely dry before adding your sunscreen on top. Resource: Carol Donnelly, LE Dermal Solutions Esthetic Center 295-0027
Happy, Healthy Kids
SITE AREA: Health - Healthy & Happy
Q: I've read that dental hygiene is important during pregnancy. Is that true? A: Everyone wants a healthy baby. Prematurity and low birth weight can get baby off to a rough start. As pediatricians, we are focused on the health and well-being of children. Getting children off to a ...
The Family Therapist is In
SITE AREA: Health - Focus on your Health
Most of us suffer from bad days or bad moods and we can snap out of those feelings within hours or days. However, there are many people who suffer from what is diagnosed as clinical depression. These are individuals who experience depression with symptoms lasting for more than two we...
The Dish!
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - The Dish
The year was 1988. Def Leppard was on the radio. Mullets were in. And a new barbecue restaurant opened in Canyon Country, serving the most tender and tasty tri-tip around. Fast forward 20 years. Santa Clarita is a different place, especially without my mullet. Change is inevitable,...
Entertaining at Home
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - What to Order Now
Celebrate your favorite grad by hosting a relaxed backyard party in their honor. The Menu • Iced Mango Green Tea • Seven-layer Asian Dip with Orange Zest Chicken • "Bombay" Roll Ups • Edible Wonton Spoons with Crab Rangoon • Spicy Thai Chicken Skewers &...
Spend "A Night on the Diamond"
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Entertainment
Are you ready to party with a purpose? Are you ready to shop - and get a possible tax write-off to boot? Are you eager to step out into the warm Santa Clarita night, wearing cleats instead of heels? Your next "date night" is only one phone call away, and it'll do more than lift your ...
Movers and Shakers
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Entertainment
Observed Child & Family Center's Taste of the Town combines everything any well-respecting Santa Claritan desires: delicious eats (Most of us would consider the portion sizes distributed by the restaurants "samples." Of course, the handful of 45 year old women sporting their daughter'...
Get Out of Town!
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Get Out of Town
I may have a big problem on my hands in 11 years. My oldest daughter, 5-year-old Laurel, likes to go fast, but she can't necessarily steer. I learned this at Legoland California in Carlsbad, and it has frightening implications for her teenage years. One of our first rides of the da...
Get Out of Town!
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Get Out of Town
Editor's note: This is the second installment of Eric's two-part series on exploring San Diego. I may have a big problem on my hands in 11 years. My oldest daughter, 5-year-old Laurel, likes to go fast, but she can't necessarily steer. I learned this at Legoland California in Carlsb...
Investment Advice-
SITE AREA: Business
The shaky economy has most of us unfolding our wallets with more anxiety than "teenager number four" opening a closet in the latest Halloween installment. And with gas prices rising, a flashing low-fuel light generates more panicky hyperventilation than hearing your doctor slapping on...
Business In Brief
SITE AREA: Business
The management and staff of Keyes Lexus of Valencia is pleased to announce that the dealership has once again been recognized as an "Elite of Lexus" dealership. This esteemed honor is bestowed upon a small group of Lexus dealerships that excel at sales, service and overall ownership s...
I Heart SCV
I'm a sucker for graduation speeches. No matter the year or the school, they're all so reassuringly the same. Some bright-eyed valedictorian comes to the podium and talks about how their class has come so far, accomplished so much, and is now oh so ready to take on life's challenges a...
To Enjoy the Ball Game, Beware what you wear
As soon as I hung up the phone, my mind began to wrestle with a dilemma: What should I wear? In light of world events, the question seemed somewhat silly. But the debate over what to wear, it turns out, was a debate over which my personal security hung.
Valencia Boys Volleyball is the Nation's Number-one Ranked Team
In the realm of Santa Clarita Valley boys volleyball, the Valencia Vikings are the definition of a dynasty. They have won eight consecutive Foothill League championships, compiling 73 straight league wins in the process. And they are only getting better.
Q&A with Your Personal Golf Tech
Q: I can't stop slicing the ball. What can I do to avoid this? A: Slicing the ball can be caused by a variety of body motions and by several different transgressions occurring in your hands and arms. Mostly, it is the result of beginning the downswing while turning the upper body tow...
A Day on the Greens
Tournament Players Club Valencia Valencia 288-1995 The course: TPC Valencia reflects the vision and distinction associated with the TPC Network of courses. Designed by PGA Tour Design Services under consultation from two-time Major Champion Mark O'Meara, the TP...
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