Romancing with Stone
SITE AREA: Your Home - Inside SCV Homes
Frances and Cary Talbot make up one lucky couple; the pair manages to book four to six romantic getaways a year. But that still leaves 46-plus weeks of what otherwise might be a hum-drum home life.
How Interior Home Improvements Affect your Home's Resale Value
SITE AREA: Your Home - Interior Looks
When it comes to making cosmetic improvements to potentially your largest financial asset, you want to make the right decisions. Narrow your focus to three rooms: the kitchen, master bedroom and master bathroom. Surveyed home buyers say that these are the three most important rooms w...
Budget Bliss
SITE AREA: Your Home - Interior Looks
photography by Ted Dayton Getting the most for your money is no longer just a bonus; it's a necessity. Local pros share insider tips on how to save cash without losing style.
Everything You Need for Back to School
SITE AREA: Family - Education & Enrichment
photography by Ted Dayton Academic, Social & Cultural Enrichment Betty Ferguson Foundation's YWAV Available to girls ages fifth grade to 12th grade, Youth With A Voice Program's (YWAV) mission is to train, develop and empower girls to be a vital force in their community. The goal i...
Family Time
SITE AREA: Family - Family Features
Did You Know? What happens in Mediation, stays in Mediation. An essential element of mediation is confidentiality. The legislature has designed specific mediation confidentiality rules to promote a candid and informal exchange regarding events.
Family Time
SITE AREA: Family - Family Features
Q: What can we do to make the first day of school easier for our child? A: Purchasing all the supplies on your child's stationery supply list is a start, but there are more important things you can do to help prepare your child for the first day of school. According to the American...
Health Notes
SITE AREA: Health - Healthy & Happy
10 Commandments of Healthy Eating: Beware of Saturated Fats Not all fats are created equal. Although some fats positively affect our health, it is also important to remember that other fats, like saturated fats, can raise cholesterol in your blood and increase your risk of heart disea...
Beauty Inside & Out
SITE AREA: Health - Healthy & Happy
Everyone loves the idea of having clear, unblemished skin. But in reality, few people get through life without realizing their fair share of pimples. While an occasional break-out may seem like a crisis, it's a relatively small problem compared to the often unrelenting anguish of acne...
Entertaining at Home
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - What to Order Now
The traditional backyard barbecue is sooo June. This month, say goodbye to summer with a neighborhood/church/friend/co-worker-wide chili cookoff.
Burn Some Rubber
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Start your Engines
This summer has been dragging like a stubborn mule on a broken sled. With half the population terrified to open the mail for fear of another mortgage rate adjustment and the rest exhausted from clawing behind the sofa cushions for gas money, that one-week stay-cation just isn't cuttin...
Carousel Ranch's Heart of the West
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Entertainment
This year's Heart of the West auction is peppered with more than one spicy way to go beyond the confines of the 5 and 14 freeways. Of course, there are lots of cool ways to make your everyday living space resort-worthy, too. Here are just some of the dozens of live auction items up fo...
News & Notes
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Entertainment
Save the Date! Thursday, October 2 to Sunday, October 5 Loose Goose Wine Festival The fourth edition of the Loose Goose Wine Festival is nearly here, with up to 100 different wineries expected to participate. Experiences include pre-event wine pairing dinners at Salt Creek Grille and ...
Movers & Shakers
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Entertainment
Domestic violence is never funny. However, sometimes what people chose to wear at the Domestic Violence Center's second annual golf tournament was.
Get Out of Town
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Get Out of Town
My kids learned a very important physics lesson on the shore of Barrett Lake near Mammoth: bigger rocks make bigger splashes. Skipping stones is a favorite lakeside activity, but a shortage of the round flat rocks needed for skipping forced the kids to improvise. They soon discovere...
Business In Brief
SITE AREA: Business
Street Shock is celebrating their three-year anniversary in Valencia. Shaughn Reid, (pictured left) is the owner of the premier car and truck modification and accessory company, which has been in business for over 17 years in Redondo Beach, the first location. Street Shock offers sale...
I Heart SCV
September has arrived to return order to the Santa Clarita Valley. Traditional rules and roles evaporated in August's incendiary air: bed times were gone; adults and kids alike loafed in pools and lazed around patios. Being useless, unproductive members of society was alright. Even t...
Settling the Score
David Franklin, senior West Ranch High School Last year, West Ranch surprised everyone with a 19-9 record, going 6-4 in the Foothill in the process and taking fourth overall. Guard David Franklin was a big reason. The 6-foot senior is one of the Wildcats' most consistent scorers. Leav...
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