Custom Italian Space
SITE AREA: Your Home - Inside SCV Homes
"Custom" is rarely the theme of a home; more often, it's simply an adjective used to describe particular characteristics. However, in the case of Kim and Randy Andrews' 7,000-square-foot house in Valencia's The Woodlands, it just might be the most apropos summary of the expansive esta...
Budget Bliss
SITE AREA: Your Home - Interior Looks
photography by Ted Dayton No one likes adding home improvements to the list of items already chipping away at your budget. But with careful consideration, there are finance-friendly ways to live better - and save money in the long run.
The Green Scene
SITE AREA: Your Home - Interior Looks
Environmental savvy used to seem like a trendy lifestyle choice. Now, it's a necessary characteristic that, thankfully, is becoming more accessible to the rest of us. In our new Inside SCV Magazine feature, "The Green Scene," we'll introduce you to products and services that will help...
Does your Home have Curb Appeal?
SITE AREA: Your Home - Exterior Looks
"Curb appeal" is the good impression or feeling made when looking at a home from the curb to the front door. It is taking the best exterior feature of the house or yard and enhancing it to the fullest potential. Believe it or not, it can be one of the most important factors to home bu...
Kids Parties that Take the Cake
SITE AREA: Family - Family Features
When your home is too small or your to-do list too large, outsourcing your child's birthday party to an off-site location can be your heaven-sent saving grace. Plus, the all-inclusive option is often less expensive, once you take decor, paper goods, food and more into consideration. T...
Devote a "Day for Kids" on September 20
SITE AREA: Family - Family Features
On Saturday, September 20 from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. in Newhall Park, approximately 6,000 children and adults are expected to enjoy an entire day dedicated to kids. All activities are free - including entertainment, games, food, carnival rides and a raffle - making it one of the most fami...
The Halloween Costume Hunt
SITE AREA: Family - Family Features
photography by Lisa Ahrens Reena Newhall, owner of the quintessential costume store, A Chorus Line (253-0300), has some important reminders for future trick-or-treaters. "Halloween is on a Friday this year, meaning that there are two party weekends, starting on October 25," she state...
Family Time
SITE AREA: Family - Family Features
Ask The Doctor> Q: When can I start letting my child watch television? A: The American Academy of pediatrics took a lot of heat some years ago when they recommended that children watch no more than two hours of television. They went on to recommend that there should be no television ...
BEAUTY Inside & Out
SITE AREA: Beauty - Fashion
Big steps. Little steps. A combination of the two is what it takes for ensuring a successful overall recovery from breast cancer. Besides the medical/surgical interventions needed to remove the disease, what can be done to ensure that a woman's emergence from breast cancer will be ...
Health Notes
SITE AREA: Health - Healthy & Happy
Walking Off the Weight Starts with the First Step The right footwear can be your first step toward total body fitness. Walking 30 minutes a day has tremendous health benefits including: reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke; type-2 diabetes, osteoporosis, reducing feelings of ...
In Pursuit of the Perfect Pour
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - What to Order Now
Six different reasons to RAISE YOUR GLASS and toast the fermented grape.
Movers and Shakers
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Entertainment
For Santa Clarita residents, it has been a busy month. Let's start with what we only can guess was a major swoon-fest by 30-year-old women who should, let's be honest, have gotten over their crushes by now. Seriously. Former star of "Saved by the Bell" and current hottie Mark-Paul Go...
SCV Chamber of Commerce to Host 24th-Annual Home & Business Expo
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Entertainment
Booth sales are well under way for the 24th-annual Home & Business Expo, hosted by the SCV Chamber of Commerce. Expo is set to begin Friday, October 10 and continue through to Sunday, October 12. Expo is held at College of the Canyons, at the corner of Rockwell Canyon and Valencia Bo...
Get Out of Town!
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Get Out of Town
Maybe I'm getting old. I've forgotten how much helmets make you sweat. How hard your body works to keep a small motorized vehicle from spinning out of control. How acceleration leads to exhilaration.
The Glass is Half Full
SITE AREA: Business
Local business and finance experts share their take on why, when it comes to a down-turned economy, there's a silver lining
Business In Brief
SITE AREA: Business
All Corked Up Named Official Beer and Wine Purveyor for Santa Clarita Performing Arts Center The Center now offers guests an opportunity to "wine and dine" an hour before many show times;
I Heart SCV
As Halloween nears, Santa Claritans will participate in the long, illustrious tradition of getting scared in the safest ways possible. We will go to Fright Fest at Six Flags, where we scream securely in the knowledge that the murderous clowns are really just harmless actors. We will g...
The Foothill League's Football Round Up
Prior to this decade, it was a two-team show in Santa Clarita Valley high school football, with Hart and Canyon battling for valley supremacy. In the '90s, Hart put a stranglehold on the rest of the valley. But this decade has been unique.Three different schools have won Foothill L...
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