Bridgeport's Most Handsome Home
SITE AREA: Your Home - Inside SCV Homes
Michael Georgio, a CEO with Gothic Designs and Management, has extensive experience in the field of landscape and maintenance contracting. Perhaps that's why his own 4,200-square-foot Bridgeport home is so meticulously groomed. The three-bedroom Tuscan house, which also includes a ho...
New Year's Home Improvement Resolutions
SITE AREA: Your Home - Interior Looks
photography by Ted Dayton Homes are a lot like people; some of them need to lose weight (clutter!), get in shape (fix that leaky roof!) and focus on self improvement (can you say "media center?").
New Year's Resolutions
SITE AREA: Your Home - Interior Looks
Whether you are considering buying or selling a home, 2009's unique housing market means that both parties have some resolutions to fulfill. Here are the top five.
Family Time
SITE AREA: Family - Family Features
photography by Ted Dayton For Seniors "Time is a great gift for seniors, and it's free! Loneliness, abandonment and depression are huge among our seniors, especially during the holidays. I know from talking to the seniors in my life, that they would gladly exchange most any gift for...
'Tis the Season to Save
SITE AREA: Beauty - Fashion
Santa Clarita's best salons and spas are making their services even more desirable by drastically reducing prices on signature services - just in time for holiday gift (certificate) giving. Book a group session for all your gal pals to "add on" the gift of gossip, and choose something...
Gift Geek
SITE AREA: Beauty - Fashion
Plug them in to the digital world's most COVETED computer screens.
Santa's New Sleigh
SITE AREA: Beauty - Fashion
In this economy any new car screams "luxury." But if you're going to buy a new car, you might as well get one from the top brands: Lexus and Land Rover.
'Twas the Week Before Christmas
SITE AREA: Beauty - Fashion
'Twas the week before Christmas And all through the town Cash registers were slowing The economy's down. But box stores were booming Their sales were sure; Lots of junk from China They used as a lure.
Health Notes
SITE AREA: Health - Healthy & Happy
Groom Your Glutes It is crucial to include activities that work the gluteus maximus (butt) muscles into your exercise routine. This muscle burns fat, increases testosterone and releases growth hormone.
Entertaining at home
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - What to Order Now
Count Down to 2009 with the Kids: Make it a Family Affair As 2009 stands in waiting for its debut, it leaves us living tyrannically at the mercy of time as we look toward welcoming a New Year, and settling celebratory plans for a memorable New Year's Eve. An evening that typically dem...
Palatable Passport
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - What to Order Now
The economy might be bad, but these dishes are still RICH. Comfort yourself with grown up grilled cheese or chops and buy yourself a temporary reprieve.
Movers and Shakers
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Entertainment
Full disclosure: I "heart" Bob Kellar. He's got that cute "cowboy who drinks chardonnay" thing going for him, and he used to be a cop. Bob Kellar with a gun? Now that's hot. (I'll wait for you to complete your brain scrubbing before we move on.)
Get Out of Town!
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Get Out of Town
If your mother, or mother-in-law, is anything like my mom, then she expected you to have your Christmas list compiled and submitted weeks ago. And if you are a son, or son-in-law, like me, you have more urgent priorities during the holiday season - like making your college football b...
Have Faith...
Does your list of New Year's resolutions include a preponderance of material changes? While losing weight, saving money and recycling more are all valuable efforts, let's not forget the more philosophical, transformative resolutions. Consider the following suggestions, courtesy of San...
Center of Attention
SITE AREA: Business
This might be the first golf tournament I have ever wanted to attend. When describing my skills on the links, the word would be "miniature," which is good - because the only golf game I've ever won involved a course that featured big windmills and lots of Astroturf.
The Financial Gifts that Keep on Giving
SITE AREA: Business
Focus on Retirement Retirement takes priority. Though college is certainly an important goal and funding your child's college fund is desirable, you should probably focus on your retirement if you have limited funds. With generous corporate pensions mostly a thing of the past, the bur...
Business in Brief
SITE AREA: Business
Wallers' GymJam Academy student Kailey Hansen of Ventura has signed an NCAA National Letter of Intent to attend University of Washington on a full athlete scholarship for gymnastics. Hansen is a Level 10 State Floor Champion and placed second on floor at the 2008 Regional Championship...
I Heart SCV
New Year's resolutions are the natural consequence of irrational, out-of-control holiday behavior. We drink, eat and spend too much during December, so we decide to push the pendulum the other direction upon ringing in the new year. We resolve to become trimmer, more responsible, bett...
The New Era in Boys Basketball
The valley's best player - he's gone. The valley's best playmaker - he's gone. The Foothill League's Most Valuable Player - he's gone, too. Even the league's longest-serving coach is gone. That begs the question - what's left? Actually, better days.
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