Favorite Places Coveted Spaces
SITE AREA: Your Home - Inside SCV Homes
Having access to Santa Clarita's most impressive homes is both a blessing and a curse. With such a plethora of gorgeous scapes, it's hard to choose a favorite. The task of selecting the "best of the best" is not an enviable job. Now that the heavy lifting is behind us, though, you sta...
How to Avoid Costly Housing Mistakes
SITE AREA: Your Home - Real Estate
Divorce is rarely easy and often means a lot of difficult decisions. One of the most important decisions is what to do about the house. In the midst of the heavy emotional and financial turmoil, what you need most is some neutral, non-emotional, straightforward, specific information....
Love and Marriage
SITE AREA: Beauty - Weddings & Events
A Gift for the both of You After the wedding, it's hard to find another "as good" excuse to get your hair, makeup and nails done... But he won't complain about the expense when he sees the final result.
Taking Care:
SITE AREA: Health - Seniors
Whether due to advanced age, cognitive impairment, illness or injury, most people will eventually need some form of in-home care and assistance. Fortunately, our community has numerous in-home care professionals that specialize in providing screened, bonded and insured in-home careg...
Beauty, Health & Wellness Guide
SITE AREA: Health - Healthy & Happy
Is this "your" year? The year you finally drop those pounds you put on during your pregnancy/her pregnancy/Christmas '06? The year you decide to bite the bullet and see a chiropractor/laser eye doctor/acupuncturist/hair colorist? If your 2009 looks anything like ours, this will be a t...
Eat, Drink & Play
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - What to Order Now
New for the new year! In this feature we explore great ways to Eat, Drink & Play right here in town.
Entertaining at Home
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - What to Order Now
photography by Ted Dayton Plan a Girls-only Night of Decadence Just because you might be partnerless (temporary or otherwise) this Valentine's Day does not mean that you should skip out on the holiday festivities. Instead, join with other similarly-stationed gal pals and enjoy the be...
Movers and Shakers
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Entertainment
No one would confuse Pardee's VP of community development, Jim Bizzelle, for Santa - which is not to say that Jim can't get his jolly on. Bizzelle, along with Director of Land Development Tom Mitchell and Susie Sheeler, played the vital roles of Santa's Helpers at Carousel Ranch's San...
Putting Heart into Art
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Entertainment
Surely you have come across the "make your own mug" kit... You know - the $9.99 "craft" set that includes a plain white coffee mug and a few crummy permanent markers? We both know that your kids deserve better. This Valentine's Day, turn their greatest works of art into gifts that w...
Get Out of Town!
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Get Out of Town
As far as timing goes, scheduling Valentine's Day in February was a brilliant move. I don't know who makes these decisions, but I'm sure it's a woman. She undoubtedly scanned the calendar for a time when men would be free from obvious distractions. February certainly is the obvious c...
Have Faith...
Many seek to grow closer to God. While the roads traveled may be different, it's the final destination that matters most. Some of Santa Clarita's most respected pastors weigh in on the topic...
Tax and Spend
SITE AREA: Business
Consider Switching to Tax-Deferred Investment Vehicles If you own mutual funds in a non-qualified account, you will owe taxes on gains from any trades made by the mutual fund manager - even though you may have a net loss on your account for the year.
Business in Brief
SITE AREA: Business
Goddess Fitness Owner Emma Ridley-Tyler and staff joined together on Saturday, December 12 to celebrate the grand opening of their new and improved location at 26635 Valley Center Drive. Facility tours and a new schedule of classes are available;
I Heart SCV
Come February 14, St. Valentine will be stealing attention from our valley's namesake, St. Clare. When it comes to saints, why is it that Santa Claritans spend so much more time fussing over Valentine's Day than Clare's Day, given that we live in a valley named after, well, Clare?
Competition brings them Closer
Audrey Drake stood near the looping hills behind College of the Canyons one promising day five years ago. She walked up to her son Greg and jokingly encouraged him, "Your sister got first place. You get it now." Greg's sister Aly had just won the Rio Norte Junior High cross coun...
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