PAST ISSUES   -   JUNE, 2009
Drama & Design Meet at the Summit
SITE AREA: Your Home - Inside SCV Homes
Cheryl Henson describes her family as "bicoastal." And while the family does have homes both here and in New York, the term is still markedly inadequate - at least when one takes the worldly decor found in their nearly-5,000-square-foot Valencia house into consideration.
Beautiful Windows
SITE AREA: Your Home - Interior Looks
When the temperature starts creeping up, we all know our energy bills will be doing the same. Everyone is trying to save money these days and there is a great way to help keep utility costs down while increasing the value of your home. With a little investment and usually in one day, ...
Inside Real Estate
SITE AREA: Your Home - Real Estate
If you haven't already noticed, this is a fantastic time to buy real estate in the Santa Clarita Valley. What most need to remember is, when stock prices fall, it's usually the best time to buy. Buy low and sell high, right? The same is true in real estate.
Father's Day Well Done
SITE AREA: Family - Family Features
Dads are the gifts that keep on giving, and when you surprise them with a new grill, you're likely to be the one who'll really reap the (delicious) rewards.
Family Time
SITE AREA: Family - Family Features
Clowns, jugglers and tightrope walkers recently mingled with students when Legacy Christian Academy became Circus Academy - this year's theme for Principal for a Day.
Health Notes
SITE AREA: Health - Healthy & Happy
Healthy Lifestyle Decreases Chance of Stroke Among cardiovascular disease, stroke is a leading cause of illness and death worldwide. In 2005, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that 5.7 million deaths were due to stroke. WHO states that at least 80 percent of premature deat...
SITE AREA: Health - Healthy & Happy
Face it. You don't have the time to cultivate a rich, deep tan - and even if you did, you'd end up looking like a bronzed raisin. Thank you, global warming!
Win the War Against Hair Loss
SITE AREA: Health - Focus on your Health
Scientific studies have shown that sunlight - or the lack of it - definitely affects our body's biochemistry. Light also affects our hair, including how fast it grows. We have all experienced how our hair grows quicker during the summer, and this increased growth is due to improved bl...
Eat, Drink & Play
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - What to Order Now
Tired of sitting in front of the couch? Here is your guide to getting out of the house and soaking up the SCV social scene...from restaurants to frugal shopping and Father's Day fun, it's all here!
Breezy Al Fresco Dining
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Entertainment
Dining in the elements can be a sensuous experience. With a little forward thinking, your meal under the sun or stars will be as relaxing as a warm summer's breeze.
A Rose by Any Other Name...Would be Called "Friend"
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Entertainment
June is National Rose Month. For some, that means extra hours in the garden, cultivating richly-toned blooms. But for those of us without green thumbs, it may inspire a different sort of cultivation: friendships.
"Lighting Our Future"
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Entertainment
When a child reaches his or her full potential and becomes a responsible, caring, productive adult, the entire community benefits. That's why the Boys & Girls Club of Santa Clarita Valley is so important. Each year, nearly 3,000 local kids are provided with engaging programs that re...
Movers and Shakers
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Entertainment
Statement of the obvious: Santa Clarita is full of golf-themed fundraisers. That's why we heart Carousel Ranch for dropping the "olf" and adding a bullet-filled "un" to the end of that "g" at their first Trap Shoot.
Get Out of Town!
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Get Out of Town
I'm smitten with San Diego. But what's not to love about our neighbors to the south? They've got a scenic waterfront, tons of great things for kids and adults to appreciate together, postcard weather and they're producing our next generation of heroes.
Have Faith...
Local Pastors share some of their favorite verses for inspiration...
Business In Brief
SITE AREA: Business
La Via Bella, a Santa Clarita mainstay for elegant home decor, gifts, accessories and more, has launched an online retail presence positioned to rival the best on the world wide web.
I Heart SCV
Graduations from high school and college mean it's time for many a fresh, eager young Claritan to begin the always-arduous task of job hunting. After spending nearly two decades in school being told that their education would help them get a good job, these people will finally have th...
Nation has taken a Shine to Valencia's Baseball Star
If somebody had told the 10-year-old version of Valencia High sophomore Christian Lopes that he'd end up spending his days the way he does now, he wouldn't have just called them crazy. He probably would have broken down into a full-blown tantrum.
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