Tour of Kitchens
SITE AREA: Your Home - Inside SCV Homes
Self-guided Tour on October 18 Showcases 10 Designer Kitchens to Benefit Michael Hoefflin Foundation
House of Carrs
SITE AREA: Your Home - Inside SCV Homes
photography by Ted Dayton Maya and Jim Carr's Woodlands home exhibits a refined attention to detail, making it an exquisite example of interior home improvement at its finest.
Just do It
SITE AREA: Your Home - Interior Looks
In the entryway of my last home lay what I considered a great aesthetic offence: dramatically cracked and chipped tile flooring. Being clever (and cheap), I covered it with a throw rug - that never stayed put. Like Edgar Allan Poe's Telltale Heart, those marred pieces of porcelain ref...
Santa Clarita Real Estate Update
SITE AREA: Your Home - Real Estate
Homeowners are hungry for an advantage - something that can give their home an edge over the competition. These advantages fall into one of two categories: price and condition. But for a great deal of homeowners, prices are already low enough... and that leaves option two.
School's In for Mom & Dad
SITE AREA: Family - Education & Enrichment
Do you know that your child's health has a direct correlation with how well they perform in school? Read on. You just might learn something!
Be Neighborly - and get Great Deals - by Keeping it Local
SITE AREA: Family - Family Features
Where's everyone going the second weekend in October? They're going to the 25th Annual Home & Business Expo, where there's something for everyone. Presented by the SCV Chamber of Commerce, Expo 25 promises to be better than ever.
The Green "Family" Scene
SITE AREA: Family - Family Features
Here's proof that taking good care of your family is also mighty kind to the environment (and your wallet!).
Family Time
SITE AREA: Family - Family Features
Sunday > 11 Annual Bow-Wows & Meows Pet Fair From 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., enjoy a beautiful day at William S. Hart Park in Newhall. Meet over 70 vendors of pet-related supplies and services, eat people food, play in the "kidz zone," watch fun demonstrations, meet an animal photographer ...
One Cut, Three Ways
SITE AREA: Beauty - Hair & Makeup
photography by Mel Carll at the Santa Clarita Valley Center for Photography Flexibility. It's what women want in their yoga teachers, their spouses, and - most importantly - their hair. We females love checking out couture looks, but when it comes to our own strands, we crave locks ...
Caring for Grandma
SITE AREA: Health - Seniors
"Who's baby is that?," my 83-year-old grandmother asks, for the sixth time in as many minutes. "That's Olive, Grandma. She's my baby," I say, hoping that my grab bag of emotions - sadness, frustration, worry - are not evident in my repeated response. Just three years ago my grandmot...
Your Rx for...
SITE AREA: Health - Healthy & Happy
Weight Loss: Science-proven Ways to Speed Up your Metabolism Countless dieters try to eat as little as possible in an attempt to reduce their body fat, but in reality they are only further slowing their metabolism and weight-loss progress. There are three main components to your metab...
Eat, Drink & Play
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - What to Order Now
From lunch breaks to football frenzies, there are so many fabulous ways to have fun this month in the SCV!
All Corked Up International Wine, Beer & Food Festival
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Entertainment
"People want to HAVE FUN, and this is a great way to raise money for a much-needed arts and education outreach program for local schools while enjoying wonderful wine, beer, food, art and live music with friends and family!"
Get Out of Town!
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Get Out of Town
Drew's first fishing pole lasted about 10 minutes. We were drifting in a rented boat at the far end of Lake Sabrina. My dad had his line in the water, and I was taking turns casting for Laurel and Drew. Nobody was getting any bites, but it didn't matter. The kids were excited to be ...
Business in Brief
SITE AREA: Business
MB2 Raceway recently announced a ticket sales agreement with the leading retail chain Costco Wholesale. The deal sees Costco Wholesale distributing through seven Los Angeles regional stores. The agreement offers Costco members MB2 Raceway gift cards allocated for sale in clamshell-sty...
I Heart SCV
In Santa Clarita, it's not really October until a few thousand acres have been ravaged by a Santa-Ana-wind-driven, Super-Scooper-doused blaze. What's interesting - and annoying - is how these fires always seem to make us turn against the very substance that helped us extinguish them,...
SCV Football Preview
In the past five years, four schools have won Foothill League football titles. That's how competitive things have become. "It's to the point where an injury or two could be the difference between finishing fourth or winning the championship," says Canyon coach Chris Varner. "Teams ar...
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