PAST ISSUES   -   MAY, 2010
Just Kidding Around
SITE AREA: Your Home - Inside SCV Homes
Gina Miles story can be told, at least in part, in numbers. Thirty is the number of years she's been married; five is the number of children she has raised. Greater than five is the number of grandchildren who call her house a second home (there's another on the way).
The Finest Touch
SITE AREA: Your Home - Inside SCV Homes
There are cabinets and furniture - dated and generic in style, function and materials. And then there are custom cabinets and furniture, created to serve you and your home for a lifetime.
Simple Solutions
SITE AREA: Your Home - Inside SCV Homes
"Learn to live with it" may be how your grandparents dealt with less-than-ideal circumstances. But you? No. You're a "learn to love it" kind of person. Lucky for you, there are simple ways to turn the house you have into the home you want.
Beat the Heat
SITE AREA: Your Home - Interior Looks
photography by Ted Dayton The experts chime in on energy and money saving tips on getting your home ready for Summer - inside and out!
Santa Clarita Real Estate Update
SITE AREA: Your Home - Real Estate
From buying and selling in the SCV to California's tax policies on forgiven debts... this month's update has the information you are looking for!
Santa Clarita Real Estate Update
SITE AREA: Your Home - Real Estate
Did you know SCV real estate inventory is down 63 percent compared to this time last year? You may have heard about home buyers recently losing out in multiple-bidding situations.
Summer Camps
SITE AREA: Family - Education & Enrichment
"Mom! Olive is on top of the piano again!," yells Kati, our 11-year-old incarnation of Shakespeare, before returning to her playwriting tasks. Like a professional climber driven to plant their flag at the peak, Olive-Anne, 1, can find handgrips where there are none and climb entirely ...
What a Deal!
SITE AREA: Family - Family Features
Some of Santa Clarita's most affordable summer activities that will keep the kids busy and keep you sane...
Family Time
SITE AREA: Family - Family Features
The best of memories - and the best of friends - are made at summer camp. This is the time for children to explore something new or further fuel a burgeoning passion.
Family Time
SITE AREA: Family - Family Features
Fun May activities, the "Good Neighbor" Corner, and a philanthropic way to honor Mom...
To Every Mom with Love
SITE AREA: Beauty - Fashion
The 2010 Mother's Day Gift Guide has something for everyone, from creative Mom's to Mom's on the Run...
Hot Mama
SITE AREA: Beauty - Fashion
Every mom deserves to relax and look her best at least one day out of the year. Snag a gift certificate for one of these mom-focused treatments, or book two and plan on beautifying a deux.
The Style File
SITE AREA: Beauty - Fashion
Prom 2010 dresses have one common theme: it's all about shine.
Let the Sunshine in
SITE AREA: Beauty - Fashion
photography by William Innes hair by Garrett Markenson and Haley Rae for Garrett Markenson Coiffure makeup by Michele Martinez for Senna Cosmetics & Makeup Studio
Summer & Seniors:
SITE AREA: Health - Seniors
As more seniors "age in place" with the assistance of loved ones, community support services or professional caregivers (or, ideally, all three), it becomes increasingly important for everyone in a community - senior or otherwise - to recognize the special needs of our aging populatio...
Not Going Anywhere
SITE AREA: Health - Focus on your Health
Aging is inevitable; thankfully, spending one's golden years in an "old-folks home" no longer is. As our population grows older, society has been forced to find ways to better serve both our seniors and those who love them. One of the most welcome developments are reputable in-home ca...
The "Good Neighbor" Corner
SITE AREA: Health - Focus on your Health
Good Neighbor Pharmacy wants to make sure that you are getting all of the benefits that Medicare provides. There have been some recent changes, and Medicare is now requiring all pharmacies that accept Medicare payments for medical equipment or diabetes testing items to go though "Medi...
Meet the Doctor 2010
SITE AREA: Health - Focus on your Health
Inside SCV knows that you have a choice when it comes to your health - That's why we've gathered up some of our favorite local providers to give you the chance to get to know their bedside manner (without getting out of bed)
Cutting-edge Medical Solutions
SITE AREA: Health - Focus on your Health
Local experts address common medical issues and how to remedy them pronto!
Eat, Drink and Play
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - What to Order Now
Although we SCVians rarely need a reason to Eat, Drink & Play - here are some great ways to bask in the sunshine, celebrate Dad and party till the sun goes down
TOP Nosh
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - What to Order Now
According to decades of peer-tested scientific journal articles, the human tongue can distinguish four primary tastes: bitter, sour, salty and sweet. (The jury's out on whether or not to include "savory" on the list.) Which leads us to one clear conclusion: Scientists are wrong. We're...
SCV Kids are "Born to be Wild"
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Entertainment
Get your motors running, Santa Clarita. Now in its 39th year, the annual Boys & Girls Club auction promises to go hog wild with a lineup of items that will make your inner road warrior want to tie on a bandana and hit the streets (New Harley, anyone?).
Get Out of Town!
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Get Out of Town
The afternoon breeze rustled the palm trees overhead and carried the scent of the Pacific three blocks inland to where I sat at the corner of California and Santa Clara streets in Downtown Ventura.
Get Out of Town!
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Get Out of Town
I wouldn't call myself a camping expert. But having spent a summer driving 10,000 miles and visiting 30 states while living in a VW van, I consider myself an experienced camper. So in honor of Memorial Day, which is the unofficial start of summer and the camping season, I'm sharin...
Business in Brief
SITE AREA: Business
Awards, Anniversaries, Fundraisers and Upcoming Events...
SITE AREA: Business
A look at bankruptcy, debt and coping with stress...
Business in Brief
SITE AREA: Business
What's happening in local business...
I Heart SCV
I miss "goodbye." With great clarity, it signaled that two or more people were parting ways. It has fallen largely out of favor, replaced by "later" or "seeya," greetings that promise that things aren't yet over. Conversations sent via electronic channels also defy conclusion; the tex...
I Heart SCV
Santa Clarita should be a City utterly devoid of surprises. Everything is planned, usually about three years in advance by means of a series of spectacularly boring meetings. But lately, life and business in the SCV have been proceeding in defiance of what was planned for them. The...
West Ranch's Chris Caldwell Embodies Tenacity
When West Ranch infielder Chris Caldwell fell to the ground after a swing of his bat, no one needed a doctor to know it was bad. "When I went to swing, my cleat got caught in the dirt and my [right] kneecap dislocated," recalled Caldwell, remembering the game against Golden Valley ...
Canyon's Tennis Star
Canyon's Jason Ferlianto can't choose just one, so don't ask. The junior loves tennis and already has a Foothill League singles title to his name.
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