PAST ISSUES   -   JULY, 2012
Healthier Homes
SITE AREA: Your Home - Interior Looks
It's becoming more obvious that, when you "go green" for the environment, you often do something good for your health, too. Even folks who wouldn't be caught dead at a Greenpeace rally are seeing real benefit to new green technology. In some cases, they're saving money (Sometimes lots...
The Great Outdoors
SITE AREA: Your Home - Exterior Looks
Every day is a vacation when your backyard is your favorite escape.
Do You Lose when You Rent?
SITE AREA: Your Home - Real Estate
There was a time when engaging in the "rent versus buy" debate was as unpopular as a 20-percent down payment requirement. But then the housing "bubble" popped and people began questioning not only the soundness of the "buy is best" advice, but the American destiny of homeownership, as...
How Family Dollars can make More Cents
SITE AREA: Family - Family Business
"Bottom lines" don't only matter in business. Help your family get out from a bad second mortgage, improve investment performance and - when everything that matters is on the line - obtain the right kind of counsel.
Best Children's Hospital
SITE AREA: Family - Baby Love
The best children's hospital in the western United States can now be found in the Santa Clarita Valley. Children's Hospital Los Angeles opened the doors of its new pediatric outpatient services center in Valencia in March, bringing the clinical expertise of its doctors, nurses and sta...
Family TIME
SITE AREA: Family - Family Features
The kids are out of school - and into your hair! Keep them learning, developing, laughing and busy with one of many SCV camp opportunities. From horseback riding to go-kart racing, this collection of camps will keep everyone happy!
Let the Sunshine In
SITE AREA: Beauty - Hair & Makeup
The sun is shining - and your natural beauty will, too, when you drink in the inspiration from our most recent fashion shoot. Touchable hair, sun-bleached colors and quick makeup looks are the "it" ingredients of the season.
The Wrinkle Fix
SITE AREA: Beauty - Skincare
Wrinkle prevention and, if not "elimination" than at least "minimalization," is top of mind for both women and men alike. Looking less than our age has proven to not only be a boost to our confidence but also to our bottom line; many people have undergone dramatic treatments in order ...
Summer Weddings & Events Preview
SITE AREA: Beauty - Weddings & Events
Are you ready to say "I do" to planning for your wedding or event? Here you'll find a must-have list of "emergency" bridal items, the prettiest (and most affordable!) flowers, trends and more.
A Multidisciplinary Approach to Free You from Pain
SITE AREA: Health - Pain Free for Life
In front of a classically-styled stone-masoned building on Lyons Avenue reads a sign: Unruh Spine Center. The body-in-motion logo, tag line ("Freedom to Move: For Life") and gold-standard reputation (the Center's namesake, Dr. Chace Unruh, has regularly been cited as the SCV's favorit...
Healthy & Happy
SITE AREA: Health - Healthy & Happy
Do you know what chemicals your baby is absorbing when you rub their "made for kids" products into their skin? What about the advantages of at-home care? You will when you check out our informative Healthy & Happy feature!
Eat, Drink & Play
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - What to Order Now
Cupcakes, Cooking Classes, Champagne Toasts and more - This month there are so many reasons to Eat, Drink and Play in Santa Clarita!
Password Paranoia
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Entertainment
This is getting out of hand. If passwords are today's keys, I'm lugging around a ring that would make a high school janitor jealous. I reached the tipping point at work. We operate multiple systems, each of which requires a different password.
Get Out of Town!
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Get Out of Town
"Dad, I see snow!" 3-year-old Amber shouted from the back seat. We were winding our way up the Tioga Road just outside the east entrance to Yosemite National Park.
Get Growing
SITE AREA: Business
Give your business the sound support (financial and otherwise!) it needs to grow and prosper. In this feature you'll meet the professionals who make it their business to invest in yours!
I Heart SCV
Dr. Tali Sharot, a psychologist who studies optimism, has said that our favorite three days of the week are Saturday, Friday and Sunday - in that order. Even though most of us work Fridays and have Sundays off, she explained that anticipation is the reason we prefer Friday. You get to...
What a Year
How do you wrap up the entire Santa Clarita Valley high school sports year in one sentence? What a season. It began in the fall with the excitement of the Foothill League football race between Valencia, Canyon and Saugus, but the headlines were again taken away by the overwhelming suc...
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