PAST ISSUES   -   MAY, 2015
Give your Kitchen a COLOR KICK
SITE AREA: Your Home - Interior Looks
Add a splash of color to the most-used room in the house.
All Systems Go
SITE AREA: Your Home - Exterior Looks
If cooling costs have you hot under the collar, read on. It turns out that the old adage, "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure," can also be applied to preventative care on your home comfort system. Plus, it's never been cheaper to maintain your own pool and spa.
Drought-friendly Yards are The New Normal
SITE AREA: Your Home - Exterior Looks
Save water and your sense of style with these smart tips.
Douglas Furniture Celebrates 40 Years Serving Santa Clarita
SITE AREA: Your Home - Inspired by Design
Douglas Furniture, the family owned and operated mainstay in Newhall, is celebrating 40 years in business in 2015.
Summer Camps You can Count On
SITE AREA: Family - Education & Enrichment
Fun for them and convenient for you, SCV's best summer camps are open for business! Book your child's hot-weather to-do now, as space fills early.
Legacy Christian Earns National Blue Ribbon Schools Nomination
SITE AREA: Family - Education & Enrichment
Legacy Christian Academy has officially been selected by the Council for American Private Education (CAPE) as one of its nominees for the prestigious National Blue Ribbon Schools Program.
Family Time
SITE AREA: Family - Pet Care
You won't want to miss this "Alice" inspired tea party!
London Equestrian
SITE AREA: Family - Pet Care
A girl's gotta ride a lot of horses, or - in this case - board enough of them to know what she wants in a facility.
What We Love about Mom
SITE AREA: Family - Family Features
We wanted to know: What makes your mom special? Your answers made us smile - and cry! Want to join the conversation? "Like" Inside SCV Magazine on Facebook!
To Mom with Love
SITE AREA: Beauty - Features
Everything Mom wants for Mother's Day is right here!
Aging Stops Here
SITE AREA: Beauty - Skincare
Most Inside SCV staff members are somewhere in our 30s; when the news hit that that Ultherapy is now offered by Dermacure Medical Aesthetics, it lead to an impromptu office celebration. "I. Want. That," we all drooled. Look at the before and after shots and you'll see what we mean.
Plastic Surgery Transformations Available to Locals
SITE AREA: Beauty - Body & Weightloss
Have you ever wondered how your life would be different if your plastic-surgery dreams became a reality?
Today's Trend: Custom & One-of-a-Kind Jewelry Pieces
SITE AREA: Beauty - Fashion
For truly-custom jewelry you need to go to a truly-custom jewelry store. "If someone's never been to our store, they just don't get it," says Manya, owner of Manya's Jewelers on Town Center Drive. "It's a totally different experience and product than what most people are used to," say...
Senior Living
SITE AREA: Health - Seniors
Learn how to help a senior record their memories and wisdom.
Respected Joint Surgeon Joins AVORS Practice
SITE AREA: Health - Pain Free for Life
It's funny how life can take you in such different directions - or, in the case of Dr. Justin Sherfey, different addresses. Originally from the rural part of Washington, Dr. Sherfey relocated to Southern California to attend the Western University of Health Sciences in Pamona. From th...
Arthritis Sufferers and More get Real Relief
SITE AREA: Health - Focus on your Health
Tendon trouble? Joint pain? Ever wake up with numb hands? Are you having difficulty opening jars, turning a key? These are common symptoms of arthritis, nerve compression and tendonitis.
Ask the Spine Surgeon
SITE AREA: Health - Focus on your Health
Hi Dr. Moza. It seems like most people write you to ask whether or not you think they should consider surgery. Well, I already know I need surgery and I've even gotten it approved by my insurance carrier. The problem is, my insurance has approved my upcoming spine surgery under one co...
The Dish!
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - The Dish
At an all-too-rare "adults only" party at a friend's home, I shared how I had spent the day prior. "My son and I played laser tag," I said, "It's our go-to 'date' now." Without any more prompting, several of my dining companions perked up, replied nearly simultaneously and with an eag...
Salt Creek Grille
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - What to Order Now
Unless you live under a rock, you already know that Salt Creek Grille is a top choice for great food, drinks and atmosphere all year round, but it's an especially smart decision during the heat of summer. Why? Two words: their patio. The expansive space is covered to keep you cool, bo...
Eat Drink & Play
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - What to Order Now
Hungry for something new? Get a taste of SCV's best eats here.
MPG for Mom
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Start your Engines
The Challenge: Mother's Day. Last year's breakfast-in-bed devolved into burnt toast, undercooked eggs and a kitchen that looked like a pig detonated an explosive vest. This year will be different - has to be different.
Get Out of Town!
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Get Out of Town
We didn't go searching for Hollywood history, but we found it any way. Our stated goal was exploring some public stairways hidden in L.A. neighborhoods. Largely unknown except to local residents, they are easy to explore thanks to Charles Fleming's "Secret Stairs: A Walking Guide to ...
Community in Focus
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Features
Get your old prom duds out of storage - it's time for Boys & Girls Club's "Prom Revisited!"
Placerita Bible Church
Whether you're dealing with anger, bitterness, depression, financial worry, marriage problems, anxiety, child-rearing issues or any other emotional malady, the common refrain you may hear goes something like this: "You should talk about it with a trusted counselor."
Have Faith
Being a mom doesn't mean you need to be perfect.
Mind your Own Business
SITE AREA: Business
What does a personal-injury settlement look like? Read more to find out.
I Heart SCV
A church fish fry recently made the front page of The Signal. Yes, Lenten dinner was one of the top stories in a valley of a quarter-million people. It's all too easy to assume that the rest of our local news is just as quaint, but this is certainly not the case. In addition to batter...
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community events