Celebrating the Harvest
SITE AREA: Your Home - Inside SCV Homes
On Saturday, September 22, Preston and Nicole Geeting presented the perfect late summer evening soiree for their gathering of guests in celebration of their Stevenson Ranch home's first hillside vineyard harvest. Nine varietals - four of white, plus five of red that are necessary to c...
Eclectic, with Love
SITE AREA: Your Home - Inside SCV Homes
The Santa Clarita home of John and Michelle "Shelly" Whelchel was bought "as is," which, a decade later, Shelly only partially jokes, "is never a good idea." "It was a struggle to get everything going. This was a really misunderstood home, but we saw an opportunity to make it beautifu...
Southern Belle in the SCV
SITE AREA: Your Home - Inspired by Design
We love the idea of Southern living - energetic, colorful prints coupled with laid back style - in the comfort of our Santa Clarita homes. Here's a few of our favorite things.
All that Shimmers
SITE AREA: Your Home - Inspired by Design
Metallic finishes are so hot, they're cool - and these fine finds can all call your address home before your guests plug your digits into Waze.
RIGHT at Home
SITE AREA: Your Home - Right at Home
It's time to prepare for the holidays - here's what you need now.
RE/MAX is Ready to Grow
SITE AREA: Your Home - Real Estate
It's been a busy year for RE/MAX owner Dave Rendall, who now counts four RE/MAX offices as his homes away from home. RE/MAX of Santa Clarita, Valencia, Gateway and Elite West of Malibu each serve their immediate communities, an expansion that reflects a brand that's in high demand.
Legacy's Middle Grades are the Secret to High School Success
SITE AREA: Family - Education & Enrichment
It was a letter from her child's Honors math teacher that really drove an important point home for local pediatric dentist Kathy Mulcahey. "We received a wonderful, heartfelt letter from our son's high-school Honors Algebra 2/Trig teacher that really touched my husband and me," says t...
Jacob Anthony Zamora Memorial Shoot
SITE AREA: Family - Education & Enrichment
On Saturday, November 17, Oak Tree Gun Club and the Jacob Zamora Memorial Foundation will host the 15th-annual Jacob Anthony Zamora Memorial Shoot in honor of a very special young man who was gone too soon.
SCV Education News
SITE AREA: Family - Education & Enrichment
Bishop Alemany is hosting an Open House, have coffee with Math Support and more.
Family Time
SITE AREA: Family - Family Features
It's time for family fun under the Big Top with Circus Vargas!
...And didn't Die
SITE AREA: Family - Family Features
Let's get this out of the way right now. I realize that most women, and a fair number of men, would never consider attending a "make-something" workshop an outside-the-box activity worthy of a "... And didn't Die" column. Those people are not me.
Beauty Bliss
SITE AREA: Beauty - Features
During the holiday marathon of parties, family gatherings, school events, shopping, wrapping, cooking, packing and general stress scramble, take time to take care of the person at the head of the pack - you!
SCV Grandma gets Big Results from a Few
SITE AREA: Beauty - Skincare
"I've never been the kind of person to get surgery, injections or even facials," says Gloria, 61, "but those lines right between my eyebrows - the '11s,' they really were giving me a mad, mean look. I kept thinking, 'someone in the grocery line is going to be worried I'm angry at them...
Mind, Body & Soul
SITE AREA: Fitness
A first-hand account of a newbie's experience at Rising Lotus Yoga in Newhall.
2018 was a very Good Year
SITE AREA: Health - Pain Free for Life
When you're the first in Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties to perform cervical artificial disc replacement - in 2007! - and Southern California's foremost leader in spine surgery and neurosurgery, things can sometimes get a little hectic.
Healthy & Happy
SITE AREA: Health - Healthy & Happy
Boys do cry - how to help your child identify and address their hard feelings.
2018 Dining & Entertainment Guide
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - What to Order Now
Just moments from your door, there are flavors waiting to be discovered, long-forgotten stories eager to be shared, yet-unforged connections hoping to be made.
Community In Focus
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Entertainment
Kick-off this holiday season and help celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Boys & Girls Club of Santa Clarita Valley at Festival of Trees!
Sip N' Shop, then Light Up Main Street
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Entertainment
On Saturday, November 17, the merchants of Old Town Newhall welcome the community to their annual Sip N' Shop from 2pm to 6pm. Guests will nosh on light snacks and treats while taking advantage of deep pre-holiday discounts while meeting the small business owners who help keep Old Tow...
Celebrate in Style
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Entertainment
Yes, you can put your pinky up when you sip your drink at one of these local cultural finds. Join family and friends in a celebration of thefiner things in life, Santa Clarita style.
Fabulously Fall
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Entertainment
Grab a pumpkin-spiced anything, pull on a sweater and get out there, cool-weather-loving friends - because there's a lot of fall fun to fit into a few short months.
Get Out of Town!
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Get Out of Town
Say "Getty" these days and everyone assumes you're talking about the Getty Center museum complex atop the Sepulveda Pass that affords commanding views of the Westside all the way to the ocean.
Have Faith
New Ways to Connect to your Faith PLUS A Holiday Boutique!
Mind Your Own Business
SITE AREA: Business
You're going to want to print out these 29 Lessons - and read them daily.
I Heart SCV
Election season has finally arrived. I hear that there are races involving districts and counties and states, but for many Claritans, there is no more glorious office than the Santa Clarita City Council. How else can we explain why Mayor Laurene Weste - who first served in 1998 - is r...
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community events