PAST ISSUES   -   MAY, 2020
What We Love
SITE AREA: Your Home - Inside SCV Homes
Santa Clarita is the perfect place for a staycation. Here's a few of our favorite spaces for some safer-at-home inspiration.
Right at Home
SITE AREA: Your Home - Right at Home
Nothing feels better than a clean, sparkling home. While we're all enjoying more time indoors, it's the perfect opportunity to find fresh joy in a little spring cleaning. What does your home or office need this season?
Killing COVID-19
SITE AREA: Your Home - Right at Home
It's been another 16-hour workday for Joel Moss, co-owner of Paul Davis Restoration of Santa Clarita. His face seems permanently creased by the protective gear he wears on the jobsite; his voice is raspy from yelling directions over the sound of air scrubbers and taking call after cal...
SCV Education News
SITE AREA: Family - Education & Enrichment
Classrooms are magical spaces. The right one can spark a lifelong passion, change a career path and even shape a belief system. All within the safety of four inspired walls, you can explore faraway worlds, travel back in time, envision a new future ... or simply play in the present. A...
Feeling Campy
SITE AREA: Family - Education & Enrichment
This summer promises something for every kid and every interest. Start dreaming of better days with an all-star line-up of local summer camps.
Family Time
SITE AREA: Family - Family Features
Need a little inspiration? Cuddle up with some of our favorite activities to create everyday magic right at home.
From The Desk Of Publisher Therese Edwards
SITE AREA: Family - Family Features
Had I known, I would have done so many things differently...
Super Mom
SITE AREA: Family - Family Features
When she is a best friend, role model and fierce protector, giving back can feel like an impossible task. Here are some worthy presents for the most heroic of mothers.
Beauty Bites
SITE AREA: Beauty - Hair & Makeup
Ladies, let's get real. #QuarantineLife isn't our best look. With every fallen lash extension, our eyes look more and more like dead spiders. Not even a messy bun can make four-day-old hair look cute anymore. And after weeks of a strict sweatpants dress code, who can be sure our jeans...
Mind Body Soul
SITE AREA: Fitness
One of the most important things you have control over is your ability to take care of yourself.
Healthy & Happy
SITE AREA: Health - Healthy & Happy
It's difficult to express in words the emotions and changes we face during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Where there is uncertainty and fear, there are also stories of inspiration, hope and triumph.
All for the Family
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - What to Order Now
Even after their dining rooms closed, SCV restaurants found creative ways to serve the community at great prices. Satisfy your cravings and fill your table with these incredible family meal specials.
Get Out of Town!
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Get Out of Town
How do you get teenagers to put down their phones? Big questions sometimes require big answers. Especially now, following weeks of school closures and social distancing. So try this answer on for size: the world's largest trees. You'll find them in Sequoia and Kings Canyon National P...
Have Faith
These are extraordinary times. We are asked to distance ourselves at a time when we have never been more in need of physical embrace. During this time of year, we look forward to spending time together - celebrating, appreciating spring, enjoying the school year and observing holidays...
Mind Your Own Business
SITE AREA: Business
Spoiler Alert: Video calls require pants, and staying focused on work is much harder when you're within arms reach of the fridge. We're quickly becoming all too familiar with the pitfalls of working from home.
Talk to your Banker - TODAY!
SITE AREA: Business
As a community-based business bank, Mission Valley is committed to supporting clients, staff and community. Now on the financial frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic, the bank is focused on helping clients through the economic challenges of the situation.
Keeping Up with Ken
SITE AREA: Community
Santa Clarita has always been a strong and united city and we will continue to be proud and resilient.
Livin' on a Prayer
SITE AREA: Community
No '80s hair-band chorus could better surmise how I've felt during this time in history. I am confident that we're going to get through this, with great thanks to God and each other - but we're not quite there yet.
Community In Focus
SITE AREA: Community
In the midst of so much uncertainty, I find incredible comfort in the surefire steadiness of our community.
Hearts for Heroes
SITE AREA: Community
Naturally, as a Santa Clarita resident, you're probably sitting there wondering, "I'm doing my part by staying home, but how can I support my friends and neighbors on the front lines?" It's the Santa Clarita way to lead with your heart and constantly search for ways to help others. We...
Chronicles of Quarantine
SITE AREA: Community
Nothing like a pandemic to make you realize that you are now considered "compromised." When did I become the old gal? One week I am at a rock concert in Vegas and within the next couple of days I am asked to stay indoors.
A Message from Supervisor Kathryn Barger
SITE AREA: Community
It didn't require a crisis to prove that the Santa Clarita Valley is incredible, but in the face of COVID-19, our Los Angeles County communities have outdone themselves in showing compassion and teamwork. I am so impressed by all the community members who have reached out to ask how t...
I Heart SCV
There's really only one story that matters these dark days, and of course, it's who is going to win the Little Miss SCV 2020 Pageant. Oops, wrong timeline. Rather, all we have to talk about these days is the confusing, widespread, deadly COVID-19 coronavirus. Usually, crime and politi...
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