PAST ISSUES   -   JUNE, 2020
Bathing Beauty
SITE AREA: Your Home - Interior Looks
Nothing seemed better than a day at the spa - until we saw this incredibly elegant master bath. With custom everything, this dreamy powder room puts spas to shame with its soothing colors, exquisite details and rich textures. If you weren't already dreaming of days spent lounging in a...
Take Me Outside or Lose me Forever
SITE AREA: Your Home - Exterior Looks
Right now, we're swooning for hours spent lounging with our loved ones under sunny skies and starry nights. If you're rooting for a backyard love story, we've got all the elements you need to fall madly, deeply in love with outdoor living.
Cleanse your Home of Clutter & Grime
SITE AREA: Your Home - Inspired by Design
Nothing feels better than purging your home of all the furniture, toys, junk and germs that are taking up valuable space in our homes and hearts. Set your home free with these simple home purge secrets.
Modern Farmhouse
SITE AREA: Your Home - Inspired by Design
If you've been wondering how to update your farmhouse decor for a more modern feel, look no further than the sophisticated simplicity of this classic kitchen. A mix of metal and wood materials soften the otherwise dramatic look of a black-and-white color palette, and well-placed decor...
Right At Home
SITE AREA: Your Home - Right at Home
This year, summer is all about staying home and soaking up the golden glory. That's why our Summer Wish List is full of home decor things and virtual shopping dreams. Dive into the retail therapy we find absolutely essential, and pick out your favorites... because there's no better ti...
Santa Clarita Real Estate Update
SITE AREA: Your Home - Real Estate
Looking for your dream home? We've got you covered.
The ZOOM Life
SITE AREA: Family - Education & Enrichment
All of a sudden, I was without my people. Words do not adequately express the emotional impact that the pandemic has had on this teacher - and I know I'm not alone. Teachers nationwide are in the same boat. Simply - we miss our kids.
The Most Important Lesson
SITE AREA: Family - Education & Enrichment
This fall, I'll celebrate my 20th year as a professor. The best parts of my job are my "co-workers," the students who join me every week to do the hard work of changing thought processes, understanding how symbols are used and abused in our culture and learning how to advocate for sel...
Preserving their Destinies
SITE AREA: Family - Education & Enrichment
In addition to their regular studies, extracurriculars and college prep, our graduating class also learned to persevere through wildfires, evacuations, a devastating campus shooting and a global pandemic that changed the entire educational system on a dime. After a year when our stude...
SITE AREA: Family - Education & Enrichment
We asked 2020 SCV's Graduates to reflect on the school year - and share their thoughts as they look ahead to the future. Here is what they said...
Congratulations to Legacy's Brave Class of 2020
SITE AREA: Family - Education & Enrichment
Since the inception of this Academy over 15 years ago, my graduation messaging to our matriculating classes has been admittedly repetitive - and entirely sincere. "I'm so very proud of each of you."
Family Time
SITE AREA: Family - Family Features
The 2019-2020 academic school year taught us all many lessons about what's truly important. It shaped the next generation of leaders with an irreversible sense of community, strength and compassion.
Beauty Bites
SITE AREA: Beauty - Features
Ok, baby girl. This could either be your sexiest summer yet - or a beautifully tragic mess. While we've been hiding in quarantine, our body hair has become unruly, our roots have given everything away, and our nails have been begging for a better stylist than the nearest child that's ...
Mind Body Soul
SITE AREA: Fitness
Summer's here, and if you have some catching up to do when it comes to fitness then you have come the right place!
Healthy & Happy
SITE AREA: Health - Healthy & Happy
Don't Put your Health on Hold by Patrick Moody Plenty of things are on hold, your health shouldn't be one of them. Our community has responded well to stay-at-home and social distancing recommendations. Thank you for doing your part to "flatten the curve" and reduce the spread of...
A Taste of SCV Summer
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - What to Order Now
We've waited all quarantine-long for it to feel like a real Santa Clarita summer, and now that we've got a taste, we want it all. From margaritas to fruit-forward salads, our local restaurants are making sure this summer tastes better than ever. Brace yourself for some serious pool pa...
Get Out of Town!
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Get Out of Town
We can't get out of town right now. But getting out of the house is more important than ever. After days of Zoom meetings and online learning, we need the weekends to trade screen time for sunshine and ward off that feeling of impending claustrophobia.
Have Faith
Each of us is finding our way in this time of change and challenge. How are you holding up? What is getting you through?
Mind Your Own Business
SITE AREA: Business
Everyone wants life to get "back to normal" as soon as possible - but few are willing to risk the health of their families, co-workers and clients to do so.
A Message from Supervisor Kathryn Barger
SITE AREA: Community
All of us are eager to go back to our favorite local businesses, reunite with friends and family, and return to some sense of normalcy. I'm committed to equip Los Angeles County with the tools we need to reach these goals. The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health approved an...
To the graduating class of 2020...
SITE AREA: Community
I am honored to join in the celebration of your success, and recognize the effort, sacrifice, resilience and commitment you invested to make your graduation possible.
Keeping Up with Ken
SITE AREA: Community
Q & A with Santa Clarita City Manager Ken Striplin
Community In Focus
SITE AREA: Community
The results are in: 54 percent of Boys & Girls Club alumni say the club saved their life. The Boys & Club of Santa Clarita Valley has always been a place where kids could just be kids. Whether they're shooting hoops with friends or learning a new skill from a mentor-turned-hero, the c...
Honoring the Legacy of Dr. Mike McGrath
SITE AREA: Community
When I heard my friend Mike McGrath died, it took my breath away. I'm not sure why it was such a surprise. He was 83 (the same age as my mom when she died) and the last time I saw him, he was starting to slow down a bit.
Better Together
SITE AREA: Community
In 2007, I was honored to be named Santa Clarita's "Woman of the Year." It feels like a lifetime ago - because it was. Kyle and I have since weathered numerous storms, including losing his brother, Keith; thriving through an autism diagnosis for our son; and, well, life.
I Heart SCV
The primary effects of COVID-19 are now well known: fever, dry cough, shortness of breath. The secondary effects on us and our world are much more varied. For example, "Bad Boys for Life" might end up being the top film of the year based on global box office receipts. This inexplicabl...
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