Conserving Resources, Saving Money
August, 2015 - Issue #130
Easy Ways to Reduce Outdoor Water Consumption
The average Santa Clarita resident uses 220 gallons of water per day, with up to 70 percent of their water used outdoors. Sadly, as much as 50 percent of that water is wasted due to evaporation, wind or runoff caused by inefficient irrigation methods and systems.

The easiest way to achieve your drought reduction goal is to take a few easy steps to improve your outdoor irrigation water use. Find the right combination that works for your conservation needs.

• Adjust your sprinklers to water between 2am and 6am when evaporation rates and winds are the least. This assures that the water that you intend for irrigation isused by the plants. Check with your water retailer to find the right day to water.

• Replace your turf with Santa Clarita-friendly plants. Visit lawnreplacement.clwa.orgto get started!

• Mulch around your shrubs and garden plants. Mulching adds organic material to thesoil as the mulch breaks down and it lessens evaporation.

• Aerate your lawn to reduce runoff of water. Most soils in the Santa Clarita Valley areclay, which means it takes a long time to absorb water. Aeration can be a major help to clay soil.

courtesy of Shutterstock
courtesy of Shutterstock
California Now First in Nation with Per Capita Solar Installs
More Homeowners than Ever are Selecting Solar

In 2015's first quarter, California homeowners made big increases in their communal solar capacity, adding a whopping 231 megawatts. Our state is on the forefront of the nation when it comes to growing a clean energy economy and protecting the environment, but homeowners are also hoping to help their pocketbooks. That's why many are taking advantage of the Fed's Solar Investment Tax Credit, Net Energy Metering and Renewable Portfolio Standards. Other good news for homeowners: installed solar system prices have dropped 4 percent from last year and are down by nearly half since 2010. Solar makes sense - but it also makes "cents!" 259-1004
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