Drought-friendly Yards are The New Normal
May, 2015 - Issue #127
Low Water, High Style
The consequences of water waste are just too serious to ignore! The good news is that you don't have to sacrifice style to accommodate restricted watering schedules. In fact, a truly drought-friendly landscape can actually help improve our state's water supply because permeable surfaces encourage the moisture that does fall to seep into our groundwater supply instead of running into gutters and out into the ocean.

The first step might be the hardest; we're accustomed to thinking that yards should have vast swaths of grass. That's just not true - especially in this ever-changing climate. Unless you have enough space to host a soccer scrimmage in your yard, the grass is unnecessary. Replace it with annuals, perennials, grasses, trees, mulch, pavers and architectural pieces for a space that's relaxing and water friendly. Here's what to include in your
drought-accommodating outdoor areas.

Choose tall containers and hanging containers to add height; low, mid and high-level grasses clustered together and living ground covers or mulch to ensure that there's visual interest at every angle. Water-recycling fountains and concrete statues are also smart additions. Bonus: groundcovers like creeping thyme and mulch conserve moisture, reduce weeds and provide a cool, comfortable permeable walkway.

You can differentiate areas of your yard or add privacy with evergreens, shrubs and even
fruit-bearing vines like grapes. Each of these options provides living, affordable structure that is easy on water and much less pricey than, say, a rock wall.

Drought-tolerant plants offer a wide variety of color, texture and fragrance to the garden. Herbs like oregano also add color and texture - plus, you can eat it! Drought-friendly options like lavender aren't just friendly to your water meter - pollinators like bees and butterflies love them, too. Other options include yarrow, catmint, allium and lamb's ears.
NV Landscape, Inc. 286-8888

Add more Livable Space with Pavers
Whether you're looking to add some Old World charm to your patio or contemporary flare to your walkway, Belgard offers a variety of pavers, including brick pavers, concrete pavers and more to create an eye-catching walkway, patio or driveway where there was once grass. The pavers come in a number of styles, shapes and tones to help you add the right personality and charm to transform your outdoor living spaces. And, in addition to style, Belgard brick pavers are designed to be strong, durable and environmentally friendly, ensuring your driveway or patio will stand the test of time.
SCV Design Center, Inc. 284-5944
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