Green Thumb
the Place, the People, the Plants
April, 2009 - Issue #54
Green Thumb Garden Center was started in 1946 by Dale Bergquist, who was followed in the business by his brothers Max and Bob. Bergquist family members are still involved in the running of the seven stores. Green Thumb Nursery in Newhall opened in 1970.

A great place to work, Green Thumb has a number of employees who have worked there for over 20 years, such as Alberta in the garden shop, Juan in the bedding plants, Bryan, the store's manager, and Evelyn the cashier. Leo and Polo, who stock and water plants, started at Green Thumb in the late 1980s. Dan, the nursery manager, started as a teenager in the loading zone in 1994. Dan, Sandy, Laura, Juan and Jane in the nursery are all California Certified Nurserymen, there to give advice for all your plant needs.

A relaxing place to shop, many regulars spend their lunch hours and free time wandering the aisles. We often see family members - fathers and their grown sons, mothers and daughters who rendezvous in the nursery - spending time catching up as they enjoy the scents and colors of the plants.

The nursery carries a wide selection of plant material from some of the top-quality growers, such as Monrovia Growers. The 40-plus-year-old wood and glass green house shows wrinkles of time and weather, but houses a variety of tropicals and unusuals, as well as the house plant standards. African violets, just like your grandmother grew, arrive fresh weekly.

Inside, the garden shop carries a large selection of products to aid home gardeners in growing landscape plants, fruits and vegetables and maintaining that perfect lawn. Organic, earth-friendly products are readily available.

The patio area supplies excellent quality, beautiful furniture for enjoying in your backyard living areas. The holidays shine with gifts and special decorations such as Department 56 Villages. Fall bulbs to Christmas trees, summer blooming bulbs, early spring flowers, fruit trees, vegetables - there's always something going on at Green Thumb Garden Center. Come on in, say hello and browse around.

Sandy Cudmore is an advanced California Certified Nurseryman. Green Thumb Garden Center is located at 23734 Newhall Avenue in Santa Clarita 259-1072
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