Irrigating Your Landscape
the Cycle and Soak Method
August, 2014 - Issue #118
Summer is here. The weather is hot... and we're in a drought. The Governor has asked us all to do our part and reduce our water use by 20 percent. Here's how we can keep our landscapes looking "cool" despite the reduced water use: cycle and soak.

If water runs off your lawn onto the sidewalk, this
means you are applying more water than your
landscape can absorb. The "cycle-and-soak" method of irrigation is efficient and can prevent runoff.

What is the Purpose of Cycle & Soak?
Most of the soil in the Santa Clarita Valley is clay, which affects how water is absorbed during irrigation. Clay soil has difficulty absorbing large amounts of water as quickly as most sprinkler systems apply water. The soil reaches its saturation point within three to five minutes, and then water runs off onto the sidewalk or street. So you may believe more is better when watering, but, in actuality you are wasting water.

In addition, the runoff water carries with it harmful things like fertilizers, pesticides and pet waste that eventually ends up in our rivers, lakes and oceans. By using the cycle-and-soak method for your landscape, you reduce runoff and create a healthier lawn and environment.

"By using the cycle-and-soak method for your landscape, you REDUCE RUNOFF and create a healthier lawn and environment."
How does it Work?
The cycle-and-soak method is simply reducing your watering time into smaller increments, allowing the soil to absorb water slowly and deeply. The plant's root system will then be able to reach for the moisture deep within the ground, building a strong root system while reducing the need for frequent irrigation.

For example, if your lawn needs to be watered for
12 minutes, you need to schedule your controller to have four start times of three minutes each, at least an hour apart to allow for full absorption.

A smart irrigation controller can be programmed to water your landscape using the cycle-and-soak method. Get a smart irrigation controller at by completing an online course. You need to be a residential customer in the Santa Clarita Valley.

The Family of Water Suppliers includes Castaic Lake Water Agency, L.A. County Waterworks District #36, Newhall County Water District, Santa Clarita Water Division, Valencia Water Company and the City of Santa Clarita.
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