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Have you heard of a smart controller? Much like a smart phone, a smart controller can make your life so much easier. It's like waking up one morning with all the knowledge and experience of a botany PhD at your fingertips, but without the studying, student loans and quizzical looks from acquaintances.
Add beauty, efficiency and comfort to your home's exterior with these seven smart moves.
Show your house some love with these smart (and beautiful!) improvements.
It's time to start bareroot planting, check into some neighborly fencing and sign up for some planet-saving rebates!
Introducing a new Villa-inspired furniture line and a not-to-be-missed Holiday Open House!
Presents to buy. Parties to attend. Limbs to remain intact. (You think we're kidding. According to the Product Safety Commission, 11,000 people end up in the ER each holiday season due to decorating injuries - and that's not including the 100, on average, fires that are caused by overloaded circuits or faulty wiring!). When it comes to putting up holiday lights, who has the time, expertise or energy?
How smart window and window treatment options can save you money and give your home a lift...
How two small changes can make a big impact in your outdoor space all year long...
Santa Clarita boasts sunshine more than 300 days a year, which means you have more than 300 reasons to make your yard a comfortable - and lovely - place to relax and entertain.
Every day is a vacation when your backyard is your favorite escape.
This month, learn how plant drought-resistant plants, get your pool pretty and more!
Santa Clarita is growing water-wise this summer! Residents are raising the bar on their effort to use water more efficiently. During the months of March and April, Castaic Lake Water Agency received dozens of great solutions from residents on how they plan to save water in their neighborhoods as the temperatures begin to climb.
Plan now for four season fun in the SCV and a sneak peak at the design of the new Patios at Westfield Town Center!
The sound of water - tink, tink, tink - gently cascading around a bend. Birds chirping. You, lounging on a chaise that could pull double duty as a cloud, sipping your favorite beverage. It's 5 p.m. on a Wednesday, and you're in heaven. You're also in your own backyard.
Isn't it so much more fun to spend one's hard-earned cash on pretty things? I will choose new pillows over pipes any day. (Actually, that is what I did do, and it worked out great - until we had a pipe burst and drip plaster-tinged water all over the previously-mentioned pillows.) The moral of this cautionary tale? Home repairs might not be a glamorous use of funds, but it's a whole lot more attractive than sewage leaking into your home office (Yeah, that happened, too.). Let's get started!
Every parent has a "my kid did the funniest thing" moment. For Eric and me, ours usually begin with the phrase, "We were in the garden and..." There is the time that Olive, 2, couldn't detach a not-yet-ripe strawberry from the vine - so she bent down, stuck her head in the raised bed and gnawed it off at the stem. William, 4, and Kati, 11, once turned giant zucchini into makeshift swords. (We knew something was up when we heard Will yell out, "On guard!")
Are you Prepared for Theft, Fire, Earthquakes or Floods? Finally, there is a better, more efficient way for people to inventory their household assets. Now, when an emergency happens, you can expedite the reporting of your loss or damage to the police and insurance company.
Yes, it gets cold in the SCV. But even on the chilliest days, the weather is more than accommodating for backyard relaxation when you plan ahead.
No snooty "better homes" magazine is going to tell me that it's time to say "See ya!" to my backyard because the calendar has announced the near arrival of fall. I'm a California girl and I'm just getting started, Baby. Join me in making our exterior escape a year-round paradise (on the cheap, no less...).
Local experts answer your questions about making your backyard the perfect place for a "stay-cation".
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