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Winterize your Yard
while Planning for the Future
It's that time of year when your yard looks most grey; we're a few months away from spring blooms and you probably cut down on how often you're using outdoor kitchen appliances and entertaining areas.
But this isn't the time to forget about your yard entirely. First, there's important work to be done now to keep plants happy and elements in good working condition. Second, you have lots of opportunity to plan to make next year's yard even better than before.
Let's start with what to do now. This is the time of year when trees should be trimmed if they are impeding on your roof line or are growing too close to power sources. Pruning is also essential to ensure good shape and tree health. In the case of fruit trees, pruning can assist in productivity. In most cases, this work is best left to professionals.
Here's one thing not to do: Don't trim or clip twigs or plants that are damaged by cold. The dead parts will insulate the plant and allow for healthy growth below the damage line. You can clip off the dead parts in spring when all chance of frost has past.
We're expecting a lot of rain this winter; try to save on water by skipping the hose or sprinklers unless we've gone without rain for two weeks. If you have a smart-watering system, that will calculate the "when to water" conundrum for you.
Now let's talk about the fun stuff - dreaming about what your yard could be next spring and beyond. This is the time of year to take assessment of what's working, what's not, and what you want. Planning in winter means that you can have your new patio, hardscape, landscape, water feature and more ready to enjoy when the weather warms.
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