Prepare Now, Thrive Later
October, 2010 - Issue #72
Are you Prepared for Theft, Fire, Earthquakes or Floods?
Finally, there is a better, more efficient way for people to inventory their household assets. Now, when an emergency happens, you can expedite the reporting of your loss or damage to the police and insurance company. is a user-friendly dashboard that guides individuals through a personally-tailored process of documentation. Dok-ItOnline uses a web-based program that makes it easy and convenient to create a list of valuables that includes all the necessary information the police and insurance companies need in the event of a loss. Users can upload photos, copies of receipts and warranty documents and manage it all remotely through a secure, highly encrypted web portal. Dok-ItOnline has its own servers at a bunkered Cox Communications facility in Wichita, Kansas.

In Santa Clarita, where we are especially prone to earthquakes and fires, sometimes it does not matter how prepared you are. If you are not home to grab your documentation, then it really does not do you any good. With Dok-ItOnline, the home or business owner can identify their lost or damaged assets with the click of a button and e-mail a detailed report directly to their insurance agent or a police detective.

This you'll-sleep-better-at-night service is surprisingly affordable. For $39.95 a year, customers can inventory up to 250 items.

A concierge service, which inventories and photographs your items for you, is also available.

Was your Home Built before 1985?
Asbestos-related illnesses (such as mesothelioma, asbestosis and lung cancer) are responsible for massive death tolls each year. When disturbed (asbestos is unable to cause harm unless it is made airborne through cutting or other abrasive removal activities), asbestos fibers can act like microscopic "fish hooks" that are ingested into the lungs.

Throughout the century, asbestos has been used to strengthen and fire-proof building materials, including drywall joint-compound, vinyl floor tiles, acoustic ceiling material, roofing mastic and felt and HVAC duct insulation and tape.

If your home was built before 1985 and you have plans to remodel or disturb suspect building materials, have your house tested by a California Department of Health Services certified technician before you begin.

As a general contractor specializing in property restoration for nearly 25 years, American Craftsman (295-5176) has encountered many situations where other trades people (especially plumbers and electricians) will rush ahead without testing and remove materials contaminated with asbestos and/or lead. Testing is relatively inexpensive and fast. Look for professional contractors who will arrange testing first.
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