photography by Ted Dayton |
Santa Clarita boasts sunshine more than 300 days a year, which means you have more than 300 reasons to make your yard a comfortable - and lovely - place to relax and entertain.
You really Need Custom Turf
Can we share a little secret? Someone we know (EDS. NOTE: My dad!) just spent $600 on new sod and seed for his postage-stamp-sized backyard. Why? Because, in his words, "the dogs ruined the grass." So now there is new grass with the same old dogs, who evidently weren't aware that they were supposed to change a decade of habits and relieve themselves somewhere else. (But wait! He gave the dogs $35 worth of vitamin tablets guaranteed to make dog pee the nutrient equivalent of Miracle Grow. So it shouldn't matter where they "go," right? Wrong. Pour that $35 down the toilet - and wish that you had taught your dogs how to "flush" somewhere else.) But the waste doesn't end there. Dad's paying Grandkid #1 to water and mow the grass while he's on vacation. Even by breaking every child-labor law, he's still out $100 this year alone. We're at $735... and the grass looks just as bad as it did before the poor man spent two days of his life tearing out the old grass and laying down the new.
Someone else we know (EDS. NOTE: Me!) has been begging her father to get synthetic grass for years, using every good quote she ever read in "He's just not that into You"-esque self-help books. "This relationship isn't healthy for either one of you." "You're a slave to your lawn!" "Don't you deserve to be free - from mowing watering, and worrying about the acid level of your pets' urine?" "I want you to be with a lawn that is as good to you as you are to it."
Maybe after he reads this article "Someone" will call
Custom Turf Scapes. They do it one way ("The right way!") the first time - and offer free estimates. 510-5778
Pool Prozac
We actually heard a wife say this to her husband this summer: "Staring at ugly things depresses me. We didn't spend money on a pool just so I could consider drowning myself in it." (He got the point - and then got the pool skimmer!) If your pool's crummy-looking tile is causing you to say "inside thoughts" in your "outside voice," call
Pool Tile Saver. With only a slight drain of water and no harsh chemicals, scale, mineral stains, hard water problems, calcium and salt marks will be a thing of the past. 510-5778
Oasis Garden & Patio Host
Labor Day "Blow Out" Sale
Now through September 3, 2012
Oasis Garden & Patio, late summer is the perfect time to make the patio-furniture purchase of your dreams. There is still a huge selection and prices have been reduced up to 60 percent to scale back on inventory to prepare for 2013 arrivals. That means you may be able to get that new table, at a clearance price, to help them free up some space. Oasis is also offering free assembly and delivery to Santa Clarita. Shop early for the very best selection! 255-9909