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Maintain or Big Change?
Either Way, December's the Time to do It
The weather in the SCV in December is usually crisp with plenty of warm sun. Now is a great time to do one of two things: set up a plan to maintain your landscape through the winter or make a big change for the new year - like removing your lawn in favor of more colorful and water-efficient alternatives.
SCV Water has two December gardening classes that will help you optimize your landscape, no matter your goal.
Are you ready to take the next step to ditch your lawn? Learn the step-by-step process in, "How to Remove a Lawn" on Saturday, December 1 from 9am to 12pm. Participants will discover the best types of plants to replace grass. Do you want to leave a little grass in your landscape? They'll cover the best maintenance practices that can make it more drought-tolerant.
Maybe your landscape has been established for a while now, but you want to keep it looking good. Join them Monday, December 3 from 6:30pm to 8:30pm to learn effective methods with "Maintain a Sustainable Landscape." You'll soon find out that sustainable and efficient can still be beautiful. The instructor for both December classes is Tim Wheeler.
Opportunities to Optimize your Landscape with
SCV Water's Free December Gardening Classes
Saturday | December 1 How to Remove a Lawn @ 9am
Monday | December 3 Maintaining a Sustainable Landscape @ 6:30pm
All classes are held at SCV Water, located at 27234 Bouquet Canyon Road, in Santa Clarita. To learn more or register, log on. yourscvwater.com
Keep your Pool Pretty
Now's the perfect time to reserve a demo unit of the best-selling Dolphin Robotic Cleaner for a two-day trial. You'll be wow'd by the advanced system - it will be the best thing you have ever bought for your pool!
Mac's Pool & Spa Supply 255-5468