What are the "Can-do's" in a Drought?
December, 2014 - Issue #122
During a drought, especially the severe drought we're experiencing now, it's tempting to focus on "can'ts" and "don'ts." While it is important to remember that we don't want to leave the faucet on while we brush our teeth and that we can't water the asphalt along with our yards, it's also essential to recall the "can-do's" of water conservation.

Here's that very necessary reminder, along with the details on how a "can do" attitude about water conservation will make this drought easier to bear.

You Can...

Water your Lawn

You just need to water on specific days. Eliminate runoff while watering by adjusting sprinklers to only water the yard - not the concrete! Repair broken sprinklers and remember to "cycle and soak."
Here's an easy graph to help you remember when to water.

Wash your Car

Make sure the hose has an auto shut off nozzle, or support local car washes that use recycled water. You can also join the "go dirty for the drought" movement, which asks California residents to forgo washing their car for two months. You can score a fun, and free, car sticker for your trouble by logging onto and taking the pledge.

Clean Hard Surfaces

Use a broom, not a hose, when cleaning up your driveway and hardscapes. You'll burn more calories plus save valuable water supplies. Of course, exceptions can be made for health and safety reasons.

Use your Water Feature or Fountain

You don't need to turn off your most calming outdoor element. Just make sure that the water is re-circulated. You'll save on water while preserving a lovely drinking spot for local birds and bees.

The SCV Family of Water Suppliers (Family) is comprised of Castaic Lake Water Agency, Los Angeles County Waterworks District #36, Newhall County Water District, Santa Clarita Water Division, Valencia Water Company and the City of Santa Clarita. Together, they work to promote the efficient use of water and fund programs to reduce the per capita water use in our valley.
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