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Now's the Time to Start Bareroot Planting
Bareroot planting is a great way to get a head start on spring. Here are a few tips to help your bareroot experience become a pleasant one.
Soil Preparation: Healthy, vigorous, productive plants are dependent on their existing soil. The soil in many locations and around foundations is often poor. Time and money spent to improve the soil around new plantings is an excellent investment. Most plants do best in soil that is fertile, loose, high in organic matter and well-drained.
Pre-Planting: Before planting bareroot or dormant nursery stock, soak the roots in a pail or bucket of water for 18 to 24 hours.
Root Pruning: Although not always necessary, it is a good idea to prune scraggly or damaged roots from your bareroot plants before setting. Be sure to use a clean, sharp pruning tool.
Fertilizing: Use a root stimulator when planting bareroot specimens. The pros at Green Thumb are especially fond of Ortho Up-Start, but many good root stimulators are available.
Setting the Plant: Make sure the hole is large enough so the roots are not crowded and the soil in the bottom is loose. As you add soil be sure to pack it firmly around the roots, but not hard enough to damage the roots, and add water in the hole to prevent air pockets near the roots.
Watering: Newly-planted trees and shrubs will need more water than established plants. Watering depends on environmental conditions, and new plantings should be checked on a daily basis. Watering should also be done slowly and at the base of the plant so it soaks into the ground to the root depth.
Mulching: Mulching is important because it helps maintain a uniform supply of moisture while keeping weed growth down.
Green Thumb Nursery 259-1072 www.grenthumb.com
 Image courtesy of Shutterstock.com |
Good Fences
make Good Neighbors
Quality vinyl fences are what those in the industry call "neighbor friendly," because both sides of the fence look exactly the same.
Winter is a perfect time to improve your curb appeal and backyard looks so that everything is done in plenty of time to enjoy the outdoors in spring. Not sold on vinyl? To us, it's a no brainer. (And a no paint-er, no decay-er, no yellow-er, no splinter-er, no cracking-er, etc.! This stuff is awesome!). Also a good call: working with Santa Clarita's vinyl experts at Vinyl Fence Depot. Whether you need high-security vinyl fencing, ornamental or traditional picket vinyl fencing, this local company provides complete design services to ensure that your fencing meets your exact needs. The workmanship is unsurpassed; the result is a beautiful, strong, secure vinyl fence; the customer service is great and the price can't be beat.
Vinyl Fence Depot 259-1900 www.vinylfence.com
High-Efficiency Toilet Rebates Now Available
If your home was built before 1993 and you need one or more new, high-efficiency toilets, you're in luck. Rebates are now available for single-family homes (Up to three toilet rebates per address.), multi-family residential buildings (Up to 50.) and commercial facilities (Up to 50.). The rebate is a generous $80 per high-efficiency toilet.
For details, call your water company or log onto this address.