Designed with Europe in Mind
December, 2009 - Issue #62
When Ruben Haynes, an interior designer by trade, purchased his Tesoro home five years prior, he knew he wanted the space to radiate the elegance of Europe while still being a comfortable place to relax and entertain.

Walnut cabinets are a shining contrast to the matte porcelain and tumbled marble floor.
Walnut cabinets are a shining contrast to the matte porcelain and tumbled marble floor.
What he didn't know is that the evolution of his home's design would become a never-ending pursuit. "It's my Winchester house," he jokes, referring to the 160-room Victorian mansion in San Jose that was under constant construction for over 38 years.

"When there are so many hard surfaces, I like to use elegant area rugs to break up the space," shares the professional designer.
"When there are so many hard surfaces, I like to use elegant area rugs to break up the space," shares the professional designer.
But unlike the seemingly random additions (like stairs that lead only to a ceiling) that marks Sarah Winchester's mysterious home, Haynes' five-bedroom, five-bath property is entirely well conceived.

Velvet couches shaded a champagne gold boast a lush nap that changes sheen.
Velvet couches shaded a champagne gold boast a lush nap that changes sheen.
"It started out like any other tract house, with tan carpet and lots of squares. I arched the hallways, changed the architecture, added double French doors, texturized the walls and incorporated tones of gold, brown and red," says the homeowner.

Another major contrast: no space goes unused. "My partner of 14 years and I eat in the formal dining room every Thursday, then retire to the living room to plan our week and catch up. And there's lots of entertaining. Every area of the home is used and enjoyed," shares Haynes. The philosophy is put further into practice with the conversion of two bedrooms. One serves as a home office; the other, an entertainment room.

"I love this mirror. It was a bear to hang, but it beautifully breaks up that huge wall near the staircase and opens the whole area up," says the designer/homeowner.
"I love this mirror. It was a bear to hang, but it beautifully breaks up that huge wall near the staircase and opens the whole area up," says the designer/homeowner.
A spread in Inside SCV Magazine isn't the only opportunity readers have to view Haynes' work. The Santa-Clarita-based professional decorator serves as the Boys & Girls Club's Festival of Trees primary designer this year. With the help of dedicated volunteers, Haynes will create 20 holiday trees to be sold at the event to benefit the Club. "I absolutely love being a part of Festival," he says. "I like to know that I can give back to the community, and it's a joy to help out this way."

Three-Day Festival of Trees is Back!
The Festival of Trees is an exciting three-day holiday event in support of the Boys & Girls Club of Santa Clarita Valley.
The event will feature displays of elaborately decorated trees created by professional designers. Visitors will have an opportunity to shop for holiday centerpieces, wreaths, tabletop trees and charming gingerbread houses along with other holiday decor and gift items. Kids will delight at the many activities available in the Children's Corner and Santa will be on hand to pose for pictures. Carolers and magicians will perform and a variety of local musical and dance acts will be featured on the Festival stage.

The Gala Party, "The Magic of the Lights," is on Saturday, November 21 starting at 6:30 p.m. featuring a cocktail and hors d'oeuvres reception, entertainment and live auction of trees. Public hours are Friday, November 20 from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Saturday, November 21 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Sunday, November 22 from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. Festival of Trees is held at 21119 Centre Pointe Parkway in Canyon Country.

Cost is $5 for ages 15 and over; $3 for seniors and children 4 to 14; kids 3 and under are free. Log onto for a $1 off coupon and additional details.
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