What We Love
February, 2018 - Issue #161

What we Love
Exposed Beams

Exquisite exposed beams lend a rustic charm to this otherwise refined living space. The A-frame architecture keeps the deeply-stained wood from making the room feel anything less than grand and expansive.

High-functioning Entry Spaces
So often, entryways are filled with fluff. It's pretty fluff, to be sure, but there's so much more that can be done with that space. In this home, the traditional table is replaced with a bench for shoe-kicking-off convenience. Baskets rangle loose objects that otherwise would clutter the space.

What we Love
Sitting Rooms where Reading Reigns

Cultivate a love of reading - in yourself and your family - with a space dedicated to getting cozy, quiet and lost in your imagination.

Dedicated Stress-releasing Soaking Space
The joys of a long, luxurious soak cannot be understated. A boon to body and mind, especially when combined with self-care treats like essential oils, regular time in the tub can improve your health - and your outlook... especially when your surroundings are as gorgeous as these.

What we Love
Unexpected Patterns that Pop

Chevron, floral, pinpoint, oh my! We can't get enough of poppy patterns that put a smile on our faces. Don't be afraid to mix and match; when it comes to pattern mixing, anything goes - and that's the point.

Big Results from Small Spaces
Every home needs a command station, but most don't look or function as nicely as this pretty place, tucked into the kitchen. With a "place for everything, and everything in its place," it's our sweet reminder that being organized is the gift we give to ourselves.

What we Love
Conversation Chairs

Ok, so maybe "conversation chairs" isn't a thing per se... but when you arrange seating to encourage dialogue, beautiful things - and chats - naturally evolve. In 2018, we resolve to connect more to the people we love - and these options make for a stunning start.

What we Love
Rooms to Live In

There's a fine line between living in style and living in a museum, where you can look, but can't touch. This space offers no shortage of picture-perfect prettiness (Those pops of blue in the pillows - swoon!), but also is a place where you can kick your feet up.

Bold Color in Refined Spaces
Painted accent walls show off bold color and determined design. The Pacific-shaded wall, when combined with the bright-white paneling and rustic wood buffet makes the space feel luxuriously nautical.

What we Love
Manicured Yards

Picture-perfect manicured landscapes are our 'inspo for 2018. Whether grassless and drought friendly or filled with fruit trees, a clean aesthetic brings balance to both the home and the people in it.

Unexpected Lighting
Simple lines on this oversized chandelier remind us that we can make a big statement in surprising places. The black-matte finished piece illuminates not only the outdoor seating below, but brightens the entire backyard living space with an inviting formality.

Open Stairways
There's something to be said for the sweet simplicity of ladder-like stairs, especially when it provides a darling nook below. Open, airy spaces have been on trend for over a decade now and are still gaining traction in new-home design.
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