The Host with the MOST
December, 2018 - Issue #171

Practically Preparing the Guest Arrival Basket
If you subscribe to magazines like Southern Living or Better Homes & Gardens, you know that crafting an arrival basket for your overnight guests is perceived by some as an art. Lucky for you, this is Inside SCV - and we place "practicality" just a smidge over "perfection." Here's our version.

Expect the Expected
Your guests aren't going to get a hankering for locally-harvested Stevenson Ranch-flavored honey at 2am; don't worry if your spread isn't Martha Stewart approved. But do plan on them being human and forgetting/needing vital things like contact lens solution and a toothbrush. Nothing says, "I'm glad you're here" like a tampon they didn't have to ask you for.

Spring for Spoiling
The difference between a luxe mini bar of soap and one that you see in hotels that have numbers in their name is... about 50 cents. Spring for the good stuff. Travel sizes of Bath & Body Works goodies do nicely, but if your neighbor's BFF handcrafts lotions made out of goat milk and organic baby tears, do that.

Include a List of Local To Do's
If your guests have down time, pop up with a quick list of suggestions on how to spend it, SCV style. There are the standard selections - Magic Mountain and... Magic Mountain... Magic Mountain also comes to mind... - but include places that are resources, too. The local dry cleaner, the number to Blo-Out Lounge, the best nearby take out.

courtesy of Shutterstock
courtesy of Shutterstock
The Well-stocked Beginner's Bar
There are as many ways to stock a bar as there are stupid things to say when you've hung out there too long. Bars, like alcohol, are best in limited quantity - so don't feel the need to go overboard for your guests. Instead, focus on high-quality beloved basics.
hard liquor: tequila, vodka, whiskey, gin (bonus: bourbon, brandy, rum, vermouth, scotch)
wine: white, red & bubbly
beer: dark, pale, "lite"
water: bottled flat & sparkling
mixers: club soda, fresh juices, cola, lemon-lime soda, tonic water, vegetable juice, margarita mix
garnishes: maraschino cherries, coarse salt, olives, citrus wedges
And don't forget: coarsely-crushed ice, corkscrew, bottle opener, dish towel, drink stirrers, cocktail napkins (bonus: blender, shaker, cutting board)

The Bed, Made
Overnight guests will certainly settle for a blow-up bed, but if you have dedicated space - or can lovingly relocate a child from their room - the real thing is always appreciated.

Invite them to Sit & Stay a While
If your lounging areas need a boost, it's time for a space upgrade. Kathy Goldstein, owner of Suburban Chateau, designs and crafts custom furniture - affordably. Plus, her advice is always on point. She'll help you work with what you have to make your rooms rock. Once you decide on the new elements you need, choose from hundreds of colors, finishes, accents and styles for your perfect match.
Suburban Chateau 775-2980
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