This Month, Why don't You...
Save on Flooring
Wicall's Carpets is celebrating their 51st anniversary with a massive sale on their huge inventory and selection, going on now.
Wicall's Carpets 259-6040
 courtesy of shutterstock |
Clean Up
By now, you've probably seen Netflix's "Tidying Up with Marie Kondo" - and you've identified at least a few elements in your home that "do not spark joy." While you may not care do do a total home overhaul or follow Kondo's very-precise order of things, the concept works - and we could all benefit from implementing at least a bit of it. If you found it as overwhelming as we did, start small - say, a kitchen drawer. If the items "spark joy" because of their utility, sentimentality or other "joyous" reason, make a home for it. If it doesn't, let it go with gratitude.
 courtesy of shutterstock |
Prep for Summer
Quality brands like Milgard, Simonton and Therma Tru help keep your environment cool in the summer, thanks to their window and door products that are as high fashion as they are high efficiency. Spring is the time to schedule your replacements so that you're ready to enjoy resource savings during the summer.
Mike's Windows & Doors 296-9195
(Re)Paint Something
In the vein of spring cleaning, may we humbly suggest that spring upcycling become a thing, too? Chalk Paint by Annie Sloan is our fave go-to product for transforming furniture, cabinets and decor. So easy to use, with little prep work required, this is the fast fix you've been looking for. We get ours, as well as tutorials and workshops, at
Refined Vintage Boutique.
Plant Lovely Lavenders
The color combination of purples and whites, much like the scent of the lavender plant itself, is deeply calming. Consider this pairing when creating your landscape ambiance to achieve the sensation of a resort environment at home.
BSH Landscape & Hardscape Design 287-9568
 courtesy of shutterstock |
Help a Neighbor
Surface Busters is putting their cleaning power where their heart is, offering the SCV community an opportunity to nominate a friend or organization in need for up to $3,000 worth of free hard-surface cleaning and restoration services. After you've nominated your faves, be sure to vote online and share the good news on social media.
You can nominate and vote at