DIY Dreamer
September, 2014 - Issue #119
Do your days consist of Pinterest pinning and vision-board making? If so, you're not alone!

DIY with a little professional help
The major allure of a DIY project is the potential savings, but nine out of 10 times, the cost ends up higher than planned and the results are often... mediocre, to say the least. It's a very emotional situation!

But there is an alternative: a professional service that directly supports your DIY project.

That's the philosophy behind Rebecca Rollin's Interiors (RRI) new "E-Design" service. Take a quick style questionnaire, send some images of the room and RRI will generate a design board and provide all the info needed to enable you to do the rest.

RRI will aid you at the start, middle and finish to ensure you envision the space correctly, buy the correct pieces and then finish the design in a polished manner. It's fast, it's affordable, it's DIY and it's perfectly yours. 367-4394

DIY like a pro

Our favorite line of DIY products, Chalk Paint Decorative Paint by Annie Sloan, helps us transform common items into something truly special.

We've used this to create truly-unique gifts, to spruce up existing furniture and make out-dated cabinets beautiful again. It really is so easy to use and the results look amazing.

This beloved collection of paint colors and waxes make custom creations affordable and achievable. There's very little priming and sanding - and no stripping required. Various techniques can be achieved DIY - even if you're a novice! You can create pieces that are elegant and refined; chippy and old; smooth and sleek.

You'll see a huge cost advantage with Chalk Paint, too. After all, you'll be able to transform your own (Or "found" pieces you score for pennies - or free!) furniture and cabinetry without primer to achieve a high-end, hand-rendered look.

Cindy Rowley Designs sells the original Chalk Paint that has been around for 24 years, as well as other fun products that will breathe life into your creations. Ask about Wood Icing, a textured product that can be used alone or in conjunction with Chalk Paint, and the Artisan Enhancements line of paint, including crackle mediums for very chippy looks; pearl plaster for giving a wash of pearl over finishes; gilded finishes and topcoats. Together with Chalk Paint, these products can really take you to the next level of painting!

Worried that you might not be able to achieve the look you're going for? Cindi Rowley and her team will guide you and make sure you have everything you need to be successful. You're in good hands, too. She has over 25 years experience as a licensed decorative painting contractor and has worked in places like Italy, Morocco and Santa Barbara - she even did the gold leafing in Los Angeles City Hall! Cindy Rowley Designs also does custom commissioned pieces and offers customized workshops and consultations. 505-7175
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