Hot Times
Get Ready for Summer in the City
May, 2009 - Issue #55
There are usually two kinds of home improvements: the kind you need to make (think: replacing the pipes) and the kind you want to make (like new furniture).

When it comes to getting ready for another long, hot SCV summer, however, you can combine your practical needs with your aesthetic wants.

Save 30 Percent on your Energy Bills
On average, new energy efficient windows reduce annual energy bills by 30 percent. The three major benefits to energy efficient windows are: windows that no longer rattle, a dramatic reduction in outside noise, and a house that stays warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer. Plus, they're pretty!

You know what else looks good? Cash. The government has just implemented a new tax program that rewards consumers who invest in certain energy-efficient window packages with up to $1,500 in tax credits. The pros at Preferred Glass & Windows (298-2165) have all the details.

Don't Turn the Air On (as Often)
Let the cool morning and evening breezes reduce your home's temperature; you'll save money on your energy bills - and the tantalizing scents of your flower garden are free! What's not free, though, are your views once they're covered with ugly (and noisy) metal screens.

Phantom Screens (799-9226) offer a retractable, designer screen solution with all the functionality of traditional screen doors - but their screens never diminish the view of your home. Instead, they smoothly, silently, simply disappear when you don't need them. Phantom Screens mount smartly to the frame of any in-swing or out-swing door in your home. From afar, you can barely see this perfect screen solution. When needed, Phantom Screens provide a clear view and invite gentle breezes while blocking the path of unwelcome pests.

Keep the Good Stuff in and the Bad Stuff Out
Lovely pictures of insulation may not be on the covers of your favorite home-themed magazines, but maybe some should be. After all, what's in your attic directly affects everything under it. Does your home have a "radiant barrier?" This foil-based product covers the interior of your attic and acts like a shade tree over your house. That way, you don't have to spend big bucks cooling a house that never really heated up in the first place. Was your home built before the '90s? If so, your insulation's probably not up to current energy-efficient standards. Replace it in a day and save all year round. You could even score a 15-cent-per-square-foot rebate from the government for your troubles. When you think about how much lower your heating and cooling costs will be, insulation just might be the prettiest home improvement of them all. Call Devore Insulation (723-9996) for details.
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