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Ten years and over 75 home shoots later, we still can't get enough of seeing - and sharing - the best Santa Clarita has to offer. Here's a look into our very favorite SCV home interiors - plus behind-the-scenes commentary.
Meet three SCV home businesses that go the mile.
Add a splash of color to the most-used room in the house.
We can't get enough of Pinterest, especially now that everyone's chatting about the best home improvement trends of 2015. Here's our contribution to the dialogue.
If you resolved to make your home more on-trend in 2015, here's what you need to do it!
Home improvements are the gift you give yourself - and they keep giving year after year (and, then, they give again when you decide to sell your home).
In most relationships, there's the partner who is picky about home improvements - and then there's the one who's picked on.
This month is all about being grateful for what you have, but it's also a time to be thankful for what you can have. Case in point: before-the-guests-get-here upgrades you'll love now and later.
In the past, draperies tended to be very extravagant, made up of swags, jabots and tasseled trims. Today's draperies are much simpler, fitting nicely into our clean lined, more-modern interiors.
Does your space need a quick facelift? Pillows are the Botox of interior design!
Ho, ho, NO! The holidays are just around the corner. Get your house guest ready with these tips!
Do your days consist of Pinterest pinning and vision-board making? If so, you're not alone!
Santa Clarita's no spring chicken anymore - and neither are the majority of the homes within her boundaries. And while we're not up against the kind of repairs that require pre-approval from historical districts, SCV homeowners do struggle to keep their houses from feeling dated and dull. Here are the corrections to make - and how to make them - in order to keep your space from feeling less like a time capsule and more like a space you can be proud of.
Surfaces USA celebrates 20th Anniversary with Showroom Remodel & Style to Spare: Beautifying Homes One Surface at a Time since 1994
Is your bathroom "done" but not really "finished?" There's a difference, you know. A "done" bathroom has all the essentials - but it lacks personality and finesse. A "finished" space, on the other hand, includes elements that make the area your own. If you're feeling done, but not finished, read on - and then get to work!
When it comes to color palattes, "neutrals" often get a bad (boring) wrap. But as these beauties can attest, sometimes less is more.
Brilliant ways to stash your stuff while still keeping your home stylish.
The doorbell will be ringing (And ringing, and ringing!) sooner than you think! Lucky for you and your guests, there's still time to get your home in the kind of show-off shape you can be proud of.
It isn't always easy to keep track of what's in, what's out; what's hot and what's not. We turned to SCV's home improvement experts to find out what colors, designs, finishes and finds are gracing the "it" kitchens of Santa Clarita.
What to Clean, Maintain, Organize & Replace this Season
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