Tax returns. Inheritances. Bonuses. Windfalls. There are many reasons to splurge on coveted home improvements, but the best one of all is this: You deserve it. Here's our 2013 Dream List. What's yours?
Quick tips on energy efficiency and making your house a happier, healthier place to be
You want to lose weight in 2013; your house wants to rid itself of popcorn-style ceilings once and for all. Here's your home's New Year's Resolutions list.
"'Twas a month before Christmas and all through the house, no one was cleaning, not even your spouse." Ok, so maybe our take on this holiday classic is a little off the mark, but you get the point, right? It seems like there's so much to do and not enough time to do it. Or is there? We checked in with the SCV's most prestigious home improvement pros to find out just what, exactly, could get done before the doorbell really starts ringing. Most estimates are for installation, so don't delay your home-improvement dreams!
Introducing a new Villa-inspired furniture line and a not-to-be-missed Holiday Open House!
So you have guests arriving for the holidays, and the house just isn't looking its best? You may not have the time or budget for a re-design, but I bet you will have time for some fast decorating face lifts!
We're addicted to Pinterest, the online site where you can not only organize and store all the great goodies you find online, but view (And save for your own pleasure!) all the brilliant discoveries (called "pins") that other users post to their account. We've snagged oh-so-clever design ideas, decor inspiration and so much more from Pinterest and we post our favorites, too. Follow our pins by searching "Inside SCV Magazine" the next time you're on a binge. Everything you find in this spread will be easily sortable and savable in our "Home" board. Here's a preview of our upcoming featured selections (and our guesses as to the reactions!).
Is your address the one that will be printed on Thanksgiving's RSVP card? We've organized the top-suggested "pre-holiday" home improvements by length of time required to complete them. Grab a calendar - and your phone. This is going to be fun!
Have a design or decor problem?
There's a good chance that color is your solution.
It's becoming more obvious that, when you "go green" for the environment, you often do something good for your health, too. Even folks who wouldn't be caught dead at a Greenpeace rally are seeing real benefit to new green technology. In some cases, they're saving money (Sometimes lots of it!). In others, their reducing their toxic load (Don't know what your "toxic load" is? Google it when you're ready to throw out all your favorite bath products.), lessening allergy symptoms... and making their home look better for their efforts.
Hello, Beautiful! We are drooling over these kitchen makeovers. Find your inspiration in these pages - and make your own kitchen dreams come true.
Sometimes a remodel can be as simple as a quick hardware swap or new faucet install. And, sometimes you need a whole lot more. No matter where your bath is on this continuum, you'll find the elements you love in these pages.
I'm a big fan of Mother Earth. I love the concept of alternative fuel sources. But I'm also a working parent - and, while I've been known to "hug" a few trees here and there - I've never found one that grows money.
Surfaces USA is a direct importer and wholesaler offering over 5,000 high-quality natural stone products to cover every surface of your home or business. From custom-made granite countertops and white Carrara marble fireplaces, to glass floor tiles and stainless steel backsplashes, their design experts will help you create the look you desire. The family-owned company is always expanding their selection to better serve their clients. Here are some new offerings...
The best time to buy patio furniture, saving dollars with screens that make 'scents' and great savings on beautiful furniture!
With little rainfall and hot and dry summer months, the valley must carefully manage limited water supplies. So throughout the year, Castaic Lake Water Agency is asking all customers to rethink water consumption and to reduce water usage by 10 percent. Here are the top 10 easy ways you can conserve:
There's simply nothing better than a custom-built piece, whether it be a desk or a kitchen cabinet. In a world that mandates near-constant compromise, a custom addition is many a homeowner's way of declaring, "Yes! I, too, deserve something in my life that is the exact size, shape and color I desire!" Of course, we all have to "make it work" some of the time. But here are four examples, courtesy of Dave West - owner of David Bryan Woodworks - that show how "custom" is the only way to go.

My youngest is only 2 and I am certain I've already destined her to a senseless, soul-killing, life-long quest for unobtainable perfection. "Do it right or not at all, Olive," I tisk. And then I realize my mistake. "Actually, Olive, it's best to 'leave well enough alone.'" I should leave it there, but I don't. "You know, Olive, maybe Mommy will help you separate the Legos from the Lincoln Logs, just this once." Sigh. My perfection-seeking, order-craving, Type-A side won out again.
These finishing touches will have you well on your way to an updated look in no time at all!
"The flooring in a room accounts for as much as 50 PERCENT of the room's impact. It has the ability to transform the look and feel of a home. Since many types of flooring are relatively permanent, the flooring you choose should be tailored to HOW YOU WILL USE THE ROOM and how practical it needs to be,"