Resolutions your Home Wishes You'd Make
January, 2013 - Issue #99
You want to lose weight in 2013; your house wants to rid itself of popcorn-style ceilings once and for all. Here's your home's New Year's Resolutions list.

Resolve to Save Even more on Solar
Technically, this has to be completed before December 31, 2012, so let's dub it a "current-year resolution." Still, it's worth calling Solar Universe amidst the hustle and bustle of the holidays because their new Santa Clarita Solar Program can snag you up to an additional $1,000 off your system. Rebates go fast, so call before the calendar changes.

Resolve to Tear Down that Ugly Fence
Yes, you get extra points for propping up your wooden, builder-installed fencing with a few well-placed bricks. But it's time to give up the ghost, friend. Tear that baby down and install fencing that will look good - and stay put, even in a stiff wind - for a lifetime. Vinyl Fence Depot is who you want to call to get high-quality fencing at the best price. While you're at it, ask them to custom-fabricate a coordinating gate to really up the curb appeal. They can make it to any dimension and put together all custom projects at their facility, including biggies like gazebos, to ensure that clients don't experience any problems on the project site. 259-1900

Brents Carpet One 255-3337
Brents Carpet One 255-3337
Resolve to Stop Wasting Resources Maintaining Old, Worn Carpet
The New Year is a great time to take inventory of your inner self and your surroundings to allocate more of your time, talents and energy to the things that matter. Are you tired of trying to maintain your old carpet? Do you have it professionally cleaned, then relish in its good looks for a couple of weeks until, like a bad New Year's Resolution, the carpet is dirty again seemingly weeks later? Clean less and live more! Start anew and kiss your old, dirty carpet goodbye. Drop in to Brent's Carpet One on New Year's Day for their biggest sale of the year and spend 2013 not making yourself carpet-cleaning crazy. 255-3337

RG Winter 799-8089 {photo by Mel Carll}
RG Winter 799-8089 {photo by Mel Carll}
Resolve to Ditch the Permit Dance
Says Randal Winter of Randal G. Winter Construction Inc., "One of my doctors, when he found out what I did, said that he was going to do a room addition until his contractor said that the permit would add another $25,000 to the cost. I told him that if it was adding that much to the job, than the contractor was cutting $24,500 in corners! The intention was to discourage permitting the job. Maybe the concrete was going to be half as thick as needed, or he didn't intend to use steel rebar in the foundation. Well, 'no permit' means big problems when selling the house. The first thing the appraiser checks is the size of the house compared to the county's records. If the house burns down, God forbid, then the insurance company won't cover illegal additions. If you cannot afford to do a home improvement right, then wait until you can. We don't cut corners and I don't advise you to, either." 799-8089

Surfaces USA  775-9404
Surfaces USA 775-9404
Resolve to Rock your Remodel
The biggest slab yard in the SCV also has the biggest no-wait inventory. But don't let that be the only reason you hit up Surfaces USA to source your remodeling materials and arrange for professional install. Remodels are all about design - and the people behind that design. For decades, homeowners have been stuck using the same design as their neighbor and their neighbor's neighbor; now homeowners are free to do what fits their specific tastes. The trouble now is figuring out who to go to for the right design ideas. That's where Surfaces USA comes in. Each of their locations has the ability to assist you in making dreams a reality. Their in-house designers can help you to customize your project with the latest in natural or manmade stone. All you need to do is visit the showroom and let them do the rest. From concept to install, the local Surfaces USA team will make sure that the products you choose are correct for you and are installed properly. Not only do they have in-stock material, but they also have the ability to custom order any product for your remodel or new home construction. 775-9404

Elegant Cabinets 673-3322
Elegant Cabinets 673-3322
Resolve to Go Green
At Elegant Cabinets and Design Center, it is their mission to be innovative, inspiring and resourceful home improvement designers working with cutting-edge technology and eco-friendly materials in all areas of production. The Elegant Cabinets and Design Center team is dedicated to working with green choices in materials and ways of production so that they impact the environment in the least detrimental way possible. The team knows that going green is no longer a trend or an option, but that it is now a way of life. Drop into the showroom to see green options in cabinetry, windows and doors, interior design elements and window coverings. 673-3322

Resolve to make your Home Full of Livable, Beautiful Rooms
Resolution #1:
I will only bring items into my home that truly express my style. Resolving to only purchase items that reflect your design style will pay off in a harmonious home. You can take this one step further and remove anything that isn't in harmony with your vision.

Resolution #2:
I will be patient with the process of decorating my home. If you haven't found the perfect living room sofa, wait until you do. This will prevent you from making regrettable purchases that don't suit your design style.

Resolution #3:
I resolve to eliminate clutter and create organization in my home. Use the months of January and February to manage an organization plan. Tackle one small space at a time, such as a pantry, laundry room or closet. The end result will be so worth your time and effort.
Tami Smight Interiors 430-0127
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