Spring Fling for your Home
April, 2013 - Issue #102
What to Clean, Maintain, Organize & Replace this Season

Get - and Stay! - Organized
It's time to design an organizing system that is both functional and personalized to your needs. People, you only want to do this once. Avoid the temptation to grab poorly-made, one-size-fits-no-one kits; while the meatballs those stores serve are yummy going down, just like the "organizational systems" you'll find there, they'll end up giving you a tummy ache. High-quality materials that will last the life of your home (As in, forever!) can accommodate your stuff - and your budget. Free, no-pressure in-home design consultations are available from Adjustable Closet & Cabinets, Inc. to get you on track - and their one-day installation will get you well on your way to a more organized future! Consider these rooms for your organizational makeover...

Your Closet
If you haven't used it in a year, what makes you think you're going to use it now? Toss it, donate it, regift it and reclaim your space! Then select shelves, rods, tie/belt racks, hampers, baskets and more to keep everything from migrating back into an unmanageable, disheartening pile.

Your Garage
We're pretty sure the 11th Commandment would read: Thou shalt put cabinets in your garage. Get those goodies up off the floor and do something wild - like park your car in there. Keep tools in prime condition and easy to find with Hafele's Omni kit available from Adjustable Closet & Cabinets, Inc.

Your Home Office

Create a system that makes quick work of organizing paper. Keep a recycling bin nearby and purge, purge, purge! Add a file cabinet to store all those essentials that are now breeding tiny little dust bunnies on your desk. 257-3750

Smart Ways to Think Outside the "Get Organized" Box
An organized home is perhaps the best mental therapy you can get. When in disarray, your home causes anxiety. When organized correctly your home becomes the solace you've been dreaming of!
Rebecca Rollins Interiors (RRI), of Santa Clarita, specializes in providing designs that enable better organization and can de-clutter your home. Below are some critical tips:

1. Don't try to "boil the ocean." The reality is that you can't physically do everything in one day, or maybe even one week! Put the time in and begin chipping away at the problem bit by bit. Once you're successful in one room, your confidence and willingness to start other rooms improves dramatically.

2. Don't over complicate things. Complex "systems" ultimately fall back to their original messy state. Use containers you currently own and be creative with what can be used as a storage container. "Think outside the box!" (This is an RRI specialty!)

3. Design enables organization. The importance of organizing warrants a time investment. If done correctly the first time, your comfort level at home improves dramatically. Do it smartly and get help if needed.

4. Make your bed every day. Really!

Protect your Health and Warranty with Clean Floors
Clean your Carpet, Maintain your Warranty
There are few better feelings in life than that of relaxing at home with your bare feet on clean, plush carpeting. CBC Cleaning and Restoration offers truck-mounted hot water extraction method cleaning services - the best way to keep your flooring clean and pristine. This method of cleaning is required by most major carpet manufacturers to maintain warranties, thereby helping you avoid the cost of flooring replacement. Tile and grout, upholstery and area rugs are also CBC's cleaning specialties. They guarantee if they can't remove your spot, then no one else can! Trusted and referred with confidence in the Santa Clarita Valley for 35 years, you can rest assured knowing your home's care is in qualified and excellent hands. CBC Cleaning & Restoration has been serving our community since 1978. 294-2221

Maintain your Home's Interior & Exterior
Multitask Maintenance at its Finest
Outside: While fertilizing your yard and planting spring bulbs, check your exterior paint and stucco. If you see cracks, you may end up with water damage - or worse. If you get it taken care of before it becomes a major problem, you could save yourself thousands of dollars.

Inside: While you're wiping down mirrors, picture frames and other hanging art, check for scuffmarks, holes and dents in the walls. Professional prep work and paint can add a fresh feel with a new color or technique to add architectural interest.

Check off items on your "touch up" list by taking advantage of A.Allbright's "Paint-for-a-Day" program, which includes eight hours of painting through your priority list with one of their professional, uniformed and fully-equipped crew leaders.

Replace your "Falling Apart" Fence
Vinyl Fencing is "Forever!"
They say that diamonds are "forever," but if you own a home complete with a leaning, fading, rotting wood fence, you'll be much happier to have a vinyl fence in your yard than a new jewel on your finger. Ornamental, strong, secure and nearly maintenance free (We suppose you could hose it off now and again!), vinyl fencing looks great from every side, every angle and, when you work with Vinyl Fence Depot, every budget. 259-1900

Maintain your A/C Before Summer Heat Hits
Good maintenance can save on energy bills, cool your home more effectively and prevent inconvenient, expensive breakdowns. If your air conditioning unit is on the ground, clear plants, leaves or debris that impede air flow. With a hose, wash any dust, dirt or leaves from the grill. While your A/C is in use during warm weather, change the filter at least once a month. Schedule maintenance for your air conditioner once a year, preferably before summer. Maintenance will ensure that your unit is working at optimum efficiency. It may also save you a breakdown during summer heat. Ricardo's Heating & Air Conditioning, Co. is offering a $90 savings (Now $59.99) on tune ups. See coupon on page 35 of the April 2013 digital edition for details. 299-5898

Tip of the Month:
Don't Set your Family Up for Failure
Most families have a hard time holding to the "no food/no crayons/no shoes/no sticky fingers" rule in living spaces. The result is often frustrating stains that won't come out of furniture or just a general "too much wear and tear" look on pieces that otherwise could have lasted over a decade. It doesn't have to be this way! Special kid-friendly fabrics that can be wiped down or even hosed off are gorgeous (Some look and feel just like velvet!) and can be used on any equally smart and affordable customized piece. Yes, we should teach our kids to be polite - but we should also let them get cozy and feel happy and welcome in their own house. Kid-friendly fabrics and quality furniture that won't break the bank are available at Suburban Chateau. 775-2980
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