The Elements of a RelaxingBedroom
July, 2009 - Issue #57
photography by Ted Dayton

The Windows
Block out light - or let the sunshine in - with adjustable window coverings. A wide selection is available from Alpine Shutters 251-1038 and CountryView Shutters 254-2908.

The Escape
Add an outdoor retreat with a view that's accessible from the bedroom for an ideal "cozy up with a book" spot. Construction solutions available from Randal G. Winter Construction Inc. 799-8089.

The Feel
A dirty room can send anyone into a panic. Keep your air dust and pet-hair free - and your space clean - with the help of professionals. We like Clean & Bright Maintenance Co. 433-4035.

The Flooring
When it comes to noise absorption and warmth, there's nothing better than tiptoeing on carpet. Contact Brent's Carpet One 255-3337, The Flooring Connection 297-9800 or Wicall's Carpets 259-6040 to find your perfect match.

The Paint
Sleep easy knowing that your paint isn't full of dangerous Volatile
Organic Compounds. A.Allbright Inc. 294-1159 offers low-VOC blends that can be enhanced with natural scents - like vanilla - that last up to six months.

The Bed
The mattress providing the best night's sleep for the best value always comes down to a few topics: support, preference and quality. Try the Classic Pillow Top from the Prestige Collection. It features a luxurious European-style multi-directional stretch knit fabric for ultimate comfort. Plus, it has the luxe Visco Elastic Memory Foam to relieve pressure points. Quilt Flex and high-density super-soft foam combine for better sleep. Available at Mattress Liquidators 857-1766.

The Furniture
Deeply-stained wood infuses the space with a sense of stability and timelessness - both imperative to relaxation. Select from Suburban Chateau's collection 775-2980.

Feng Shui Tips for a Relaxing Bedroom
by Elaine Giftos Wright

Feng Shui translated means "Wind and Water," and like wind and water, you and your environment are two forces of nature. Feng Shui is concerned with the flow and circulation of vital energy. Energy is the invisible force that animates all life, and just like an acupuncturist who adjusts the flow of energy in the body with needles and herbs, a Feng Shui expert can use a variety of colors, interior design, furniture placement and adjustments, called "cures," to redirect and nourish the flow of energy in homes - often with startling results.

• Place your bed where you can see your bedroom door while lying down - without turning your head. This position gives you a feeling of safety and helps to induce sleep and relaxation. In Feng Shui terms, it's considered the commanding position and supports health and well-being.

• A solid headboard symbolizes solid support in your life. Having no headboard can create stress and a feeling of being in limbo.

• Bedrooms benefit from warm colors. Use muted and soothing tones in your bedroom to create a sense of calm and relaxation and help enhance communication.

• Don't sleep under a beam or a slanted ceiling. Your physical and emotional health can be adversely affected.

• If you must have a TV in your bedroom, be sure to place it in a cabinet where you can shut the doors when you sleep.

Elaine Giftos Wright is a nationally-known professional Feng Shui consultant, lecturer and teacher 799-0607.
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