Homegrown Realtor's Success
in SoCal & Beyond takes Root in Sand Canyon
April, 2018 - Issue #163
photography by Gavin Cater
photography by Gavin Cater

"Recently we sold a SAND CANYON HOME for $250,000 more than the seller expected - to a buyer who had been searching for the perfect property... and finally found it in this home. Both parties were thrilled! But for my team and me, it was one more example of how both buyers and sellers benefit when working with the SAND CANYON EXPERT, someone who serves as a property matchmaker and intimately knows the needs and goals of their clients."
Morgan Gonzalez
Morgan Gonzalez is one of Santa Clarita's success stories - and like any good tale, it's set in a magical place unlike any other: Sand Canyon.

The real-estate phenom - who operates from offices in Valencia, on Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood Hills and more - grew up in the gorgeous rolling hills of Santa Clarita's most distinctive community. Sand Canyon, known for its rural charm, luxurious estates, sweeping vista views and storied history, was his launching point. Gonzalez attended Canyon High School, earned a Bachelor's degree in Advertising - and then, after stops across the country and internationally honing his real estate prowess, came home to the Canyon.

His passion for the community is what drew him back. "My clients know, and I know, that Sand Canyon is one of a kind," says Gonzalez. "Once you get off the freeway, and you start driving past the heritage oaks, and into the Canyon, the day's stress just melts away. In just the few minutes it takes to hit your driveway, you feel like you've entered a completely different world - one that's peaceful, vibrant with nature and entirely relaxing. It keeps you present, it helps you focus on what's really important in life and it totally changes your perspective."
Those are the qualities that keep Sand Canyon at the top of the coveted real estate market list - and why both buyers and sellers flock to Gonzalez. "There's always a good number of individuals and families who want a Sand Canyon address, because this is a really special place. The goal there is to find them a home that perfectly coordinates with their personalities, likes and dislikes, their lifestyle, how they want to use their property and so much more," says the pro.

That's why it's so important to work with a Realtor who knows the community. "I know just about every property in the Canyon - it's my job, but it's also my passion," shares Gonzalez. That explains why those in the community, and beyond, refer to him as the "Sand Canyon Expert." Known for his extensive collection of off-market properties - homes that will never be listed on MLS - as well as a list of buyers who are waiting for the perfect Sand Canyon home to hit the market, Gonzalez fuses the needs of both buyers and sellers.

"It's in many ways like a matchmaking service," Gonzalez laughs. "But it's true! I get to know my clients intimately so that I can pair them with the perfect property."

With over 25 years of being in the Canyon under his belt, and nearly two decades of running a successful business, this luxury-property specialist is gaining new attention for his record-breaking home sales and surprisingly-short list times. "I'm so proud to say that I've set so many records in Sand Canyon - for highest sales, fastest sales... It's because we're very focused on our demographics. We know who our buyers are and we know our market better than anyone," shares Gonzalez.
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