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Looking for your next great move?
Locally, our Santa Clarita market is much less "bubble" and much more a reflection of simple supply and demand - but that doesn't mean our community is immune to national and regional trends that show a cooling of the once-steaming-hot housing market.
Don't have a rental property yet? Purchasing Santa Clarita Valley property is a great way to expand a smart investment portfolio.
Few things are more uncomfortable than a missed opportunity.
Acres of possibilities. Is your dream home in the midst?
Beautiful SCV homes for sale, is your next address here?
Can we all agree that - whether you're buying, selling or staying put - every one of us could benefit from a little more love... with the place we call home?
Yes, You CAN Sell your Home During the Holidays
Southern California Real Estate Management, Inc. (SCREM) Helps Homeowners Turn a Profit with Turnkey Full-service Management Solutions
Here's a sweet reminder about what you already know: Corporate media only makes money when you tune in, so they sometimes tease some pretty wild claims to get your attention. Of course, after you listen closely, you hear the real truth - that things aren't really as dramatic - or interesting - as it was made to seem.
Newsflash! It's also a Great Time to Buy
You're Sold on Channel Islands - But which Community is Right for You?
Here's the headline that caught so many eyes: Santa Clarita home prices reach new record-high averages - $795,000. Which means... what? Here's what the experts said:
So many beautiful homes in this month's update - is your next dream home one of them?
Approximately 30 percent of the homes in Santa Clarita are renter occupied, but - based on national averages - only 41 percent of them carry rental insurance.
Looking for your next great move?
Stunning Views & Space to Spare in Canyon Country
Kathy Watterson and her team have reached another milestone - 32 years serving as a Realtor in Santa Clarita, plus 20 years in the "Top 5" for RE/MAX of Valencia, Santa Clarita and Gateway.
This tight market means homes are moving faster than "normal." How fast? That depends on the condition and price point of the home, but it's a true statement for every category across the board.
Dreams are made possible with prices like these, whether you want to stay in the SCV or see the world.
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