RE/MAX Realtors get Results
Community Involvement Pays Off in more Ways than One
April, 2018 - Issue #163
Earlier this year, it was announced that RE/MAX of Valencia and Santa Clarita Realtors sold more homes, for more money, than any other real-estate organization in town. That's an exciting accomplishment to be sure, but it's not the whole story, says Owner Dave Rendall.

"The bigger point to make is this: RE/MAX Realtors are deeply invested in the community they call home. They're your kids' soccer coaches, your non-profit board members, your river clean-up crews, your PTA presidents. They're the first ones to buy your troop's cookies and the last ones to leave after chaperoning the school dance. These are the people who, in so many ways, contribute to Santa Clarita because that's what's in their hearts - and those same attributes carry over into their careers as Realtors," says Rendall.
"RE/MAX Realtors want the best for their clients, and they do what needs to be done to make that happen. How it BENEFITS them is secondary."
Owner Dave Rendall

So, what makes a Realtor a RE/MAX Realtor? "It's the heart," says Rendall. "These are the people who are built to go the extra mile for their neighbors, because they see and understand the benefit of community investment. They're the type of folk who recognize opportunities to do things better - and then roll up their sleeves and do what needs to be done. We say that our Realtors are 'doers' by nature. The 'what can be done tomorrow, is better to be done today' sort. High achievers. And each has that personality profile of someone who is happiest when in the service of others."

"Service to others," in the real-estate world, can translate to an improved quality of life for RE/MAX clients. "Sure, we all want to sell a house for record-breaking profit. Every Realtor wants that. But a RE/MAX Realtor isn't just going to want it, and they're not just going to want it for themselves. That's not what motivates people to go beyond and do those 'extras' that result in a faster sale or more money for the client," explains Rendall. "Our Realtors want the best for their clients, and they do what needs to be done to make that happen. How it benefits them is secondary. They are inspired to do more, work harder, make that extra call because, in the end, they know that it means someone they care about - their client - is going to live a better life because they did it. They're going to be able to afford a nicer house, or better neighborhood and school for their kids. Our Realtors are always so conscientious of the fact that their performance directly correlates to their clients living a better life. We don't take that for granted."

This mindset has been cultivated from the top, down; RE/MAX of Santa Clarita and Valencia is consistently lauded for the company's contributions to the community. "We're always excited to partner with and support our community," shares Rendall. "Whether we're sponsoring a cook off, volunteering at a community event or helping to fund a building, we, as a company, realize that investing in the place we call home benefits us as both residents and as Realtors. It's a lot easier to sell a home for a high price when it's in a community like Santa Clarita - where so many work so hard to provide quality spaces and experiences for everyone who lives here."
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