Holidays at Home
December, 2022 - Issue #216
courtesy of shutterstock
courtesy of shutterstock

Kick Start your Holiday Early with the Brightest of Lights
There's no use fighting it. The holiday season now officially starts the day after Halloween. Earlier, if you track these things based on when blow-up Santa displays hit big-box stores around mid October.
And sure, you can be a Scrooge about it.
Or... embrace it. The holidays are fun - and we could all use more of that energy.
And holiday lights - they're the funnest of fun.
So why wait to install them? Do it now! Get your whole neighborhood on board to have the most fun for the longest time. You know that when yours go up, theirs will, too. Be the joyful light trendsetter on your block. Make kids say, "Yay!" every time they pass your house because your address is a reminder of even more fun to come. Inspire busy folks who hardly ever stop to smell those hypothetical roses to drive past your spot extra slow. Be the reason someone smiles every time they walk past your house for six weeks instead of four.
Sold? Good! Because we can't wait to see your holiday light displays. Send us your pictures to so we can share them - and the good cheer - on our socials. And no - you don't need to do the lights yourself. Roofs are high, ladders are precarious and electrical can be fickle. Call the best in the business and tell them we sent you. Here's our fave: Christmas Lights Installation.
courtesy of shutterstock
courtesy of shutterstock

Share the Gift of Water Savings this Holiday Season
The water we save now is water we all have for the future. As the drought continues, one of the most meaningful gifts we can share this season is reducing our water use at home.
It's simple to enjoy the magic of the holidays with friends and family while using water wisely indoors and outdoors.
For instance, during your holiday gatherings make sure that you wash full loads in your dishwasher. You'll have more time for meaningful conversations and holiday memories since you won't be handwashing piles of serving platters, plates, cups and cutlery.
Remember to scrape your plate, too, instead of pre-washing your dishes before placing them in the dishwasher.
Also be sure to recycle water used for prepping festive holiday favorites that require steaming or boiling. The water saved can be used on your trees and gardens.
And more guests coming to your home means more laundry and showers. Save water, time and energy by washing full loads of your favorite holiday sweaters and cozy blankets. It's hip to be a "water scrooge" and limit your showers to five minutes.
If the SCV is hit with a rainy winter storm or snowy winter wonderland, shut off your outdoor irrigation during and within 48 hours following precipitation.
Log on for more water-saving tips.
SCV Water
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