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The list of reasons people call Paul Davis Restoration of Santa Clarita after they've incurred a loss like water, mold, smoke, fire and more are numerous, but the response is always the same: "We're on our way!"
Customize your space for a feel that's just "you!"
Giving back, paying forward and grand design
Taking care of what you already have might not spiral you into bliss, but the practicality of it means that you have the opportunity to build on your successes with the "new sparkly" of the moment instead of recreating the wheel.
A second-floor washing machine mishap. Fire and smoke damage from faulty wiring. Mold in the wall behind a leaking bathroom sink. Cat dander from the previous resident. Missing tiles and damaged stucco from a wind storm.
Spring into an egg hunt in a furniture store this month - and skip cleaning your floors!
We're craving the season's best upgrades.
Recently, a neighbor eagerly led me and the couple next door into his garage to show off a hard-earned new car. Quickly, the accolades came pouring in: "Wow, it's gorgeous!" "So shiny!" "I love how the color really pops."
Trying to get everything done by that sweet-spot time when guests have yet to arrive and you still have a minor grip on your sanity? We are, too.
Forget the presents under the tree. We're more interested in what's around it. Gift yourself with holiday ambience that cheers the soul - from the day after Halloween to New Year's!
It's time to prepare for the holidays - here's what you need now.
Get your pumpkin-spice fix year-round with these flavorful finds. They're #psl approved!
The Paint-it-Forward winners, plus a national Flooring of the Year Award.
What your Home Improvement Choices Say About You
New home decor, furniture and accessories we love!
Pump Up the Pretty 3 Different Ways
Save money - and the environment - with these smart moves.
Improve your Home's Efficiency to Reduce Energy Costs
Special Water Conservation Required during Scheduled Maintenance
You do it every year (Or, um... we do?). You tell yourself that you're going to remodel the powder room/replace the downstairs flooring/upgrade the kitchen/redesign the foyer before you have people over for Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Year's. Then Halloween happens and every well-intentioned plan seems to go up in sugar-fueled flames.

But this year? Nope. This is your year! (And ours, too!). This is the year you start now. Are you with us!? (Good, because we're going to need some moral support. Tell us how you're doing at!).
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