Paul Davis Restoration Puts Homes, & Lives, Back Together
June, 2019 - Issue #177

A second-floor washing machine mishap. Fire and smoke damage from faulty wiring. Mold in the wall behind a leaking bathroom sink. Cat dander from the previous resident. Missing tiles and damaged stucco from a wind storm.

The list of reasons people call Paul Davis Restoration of Santa Clarita are numerous, but the response is always the same: "We're on our way."

"[The Paul Davis crew] was outstanding, especially considering the extremely-difficult circumstances. I am SO GRATEFUL for all of their hard work on this project. I am very pleased - the workmanship is outstanding and quality of materials used are superior. I definitely would recommend Paul Davis Restoration. A job well done!"
5-star review by Robert R. via Yelp
It's that kind of 24/7 responsiveness that has earned the Santa Clarita office of this nationally-celebrated company numerous awards, hundreds of gratitude-filled reviews and the kind of growth that has prompted an expansion and acquisition of a new building for headquarters.

Home and commercial restoration is a competitive business, but local Paul Davis owners Joel and Susan Moss have managed to set their company apart in a way that has translated to an ever-expanding referral base of thrilled former clients, insurance agents, realtors and more. "The greatest honor," says Joel, "is hearing from a new client that a friend gave them our card and said, 'Don't bother calling anyone else. They'll take care of you.'"
That level of enthusiasm is rooted in the Moss's commitment to every client: "We're not just going to put their home or business back together," says Susan. "We're going to do it in a way that puts their lives back together."

That means something different in every case; no two damages are alike. "The consistency can be found in our lightening-fast response times, in our ability to reduce the stress that's inherent in these situations, to streamline paperwork and phone calls so that we're not further inconveniencing a client and our accessibility - you can always reach us for questions or guidance," explains Joel, a licensed contractor with decades of experience. "And that's just the business side of it. When it comes to restoration, we're known for premier, top-tier service. We're going to carefully remove, clean and store your belongings; provide fast, high-quality restoration services that prioritize your safety and comfort while also being aesthetically pleasing; and then, when the client is thrilled with the work, we're going to put everything where we found it so that life gets back to normal."

The couple, which suffered through a serious water-damage claim at the beginning of their relationship, knows that restoration isn't just about property - it's about people, too. "We know what it's like to be displaced, to not know what's going to happen. We know how it can place strains on a family. That's why we're in this business - to take care of people's most important places and to do it in a way that shows them everything's going to be Ok. We take care of what's sacred to them," says Susan.

The Paul Davis Experience
Paul Davis has a proven reputation that's rooted in a dedication to training and technical competency, innovation of solutions, a rigor for communication, measurement and proof of quality delivery and leading-edge technology. The company is committed to coming up with new methodologies to help property owners recover from the disruption to their jobs and lives; property managers to make buildings function again; and insurance and institutional clients with work that pleases their customers coupled with speedy, accurate data to meet all their needs. What anchors the company and its people is a set of values to do what's right and a commitment to deliver an experience based on expertise, compassion and professionalism.
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