RIGHT at Home
November, 2018 - Issue #170
5 Ways to Set the Prettiest Place at your Holiday Table
by Rebecca Rollins
Make a grand impact with new pendant lights or a sparkling chandelier over a great table scape so that all eyes are on your gorgeous design.

Layer, layer, layer! Stack that table to allow for more eye-popping textures, patterns and colors.

Mix and match cutlery and accessories. Don't use the same cutlery and napkins at the head of the table, instead opting for different, coordinating selections. For a truly eclectic, relaxed look, stick with common color themes and use a variety of the above at each setting.

Let's drink to interesting, fun, colorful stem and glassware! Again, they don't have to match. Bonus: That takes the pressure off, should someone get too festive and break something.

Go big and over the top for the centerpiece. Different greenery stems mixed together make a perfect eye-catching anchor to your table.
Rebecca Rollins Interiors 367-4394

Fast Framing Fixes
Bland walls, empty shelves and conundrum corners call for fast design fixes when time is ticking. Framing favorite art, family photos or even three-dimensional heirlooms and collections will give life and depth to your home design. Choose from hundreds of framing options and professional assembly to protect your treasures while bringing a quick custom look to your home.
FASTFRAME 291-1325

Ho, Ho... Whoa!
If you thought it was time to pump the brakes on Christmas prep, you were wrong. The starting gun has officially been fired and you can't un-ring this (Christmas) bell. Go with the peppermint-schnapps flavored flow and get these two must-do's on your calendar STAT.

Book your Holiday Light Installation Now
Because celebrating the holidays in a full body cast is on no one's Christmas list, leave the ladder climbing to the professionals. The most popular dates fill fast, so if you want your sparkling LEDs lavishing your rooftop right after Thanksgiving, best book that now.
Christmas Lights Installation 297-7013

Get Thee to Green Thumb for their Christmas Open House
Need the epi-shot-to-the-heart equivalent of a holiday cheer infusion? Go to Green Thumb in Old Town Newhall on Saturday, November 10 from 9am to 5pm for their annual Christmas Open House. They'll unveil their always-adorbs Department 56 display, showing off the largest selection of the popular brand in the SCV. Get your tree, grab some ornaments that make you smile and consider this little trip a vaccine against the bah humbugs.
Green Thumb 259-1071

Passing the Holiday Stress Test
by Tara Evans
When I was younger, "stress" meant college finals and buying our first home. No one prepared me for the stress the annual "holiday" rituals would bring. Until I was 35, the only thing that I had to worry about this time of year was choosing the right vintage to bring as a hostess gift to my wine-snob sister's house for Thanksgiving and catching a flight to the in-laws for Christmas with sleepy, usually-snotty kids in tow.
And then, totally without consulting me, sis sold her big home and the in-laws moved back. All of a sudden, I went from "Look, I brought booze!" to "Um, sure... we can all celebrate here. That's only like, 35 people, right? No biggie."

And in a split second, the home I had no issue with just moments prior looked... awful. Old. Messy. Embarrassing. My eyes danced over paint chips, worn spots of flooring, banged up furniture and outdated fixtures. Quickly, and not as tongue-in-cheek as I should admit, I wondered aloud to my husband if perhaps felony arson was the solution; if I busted out the matches today, we might have time to rebuild before his parents rolled in for four days. He quickly dismissed my faux plan, but mostly because I had no clue how long it takes to build a house from scratch.

So, I had no choice but to see this as an opportunity to either not care what others think or fix up what I could manage before guests arrived. I'm not nearly zen enough for the first option, so a painting contractor was called, Pinterest was consulted and kids old enough to deep clean were bribed generously. An informal poll of my friends and frenemies also turned up some very helpful suggestions.

Only fix up the spaces people are going to see and make everything else off limits. One gives-no-cares gal puts up a "Please, no guests upstairs" sign and literally ropes off the area.

Focus on the overall look; don't get caught up in the details. This is not the time to scrub baseboards. Choose to-do's that are going to make the biggest positive impression.

If time and resources allow, add a few wowing accents - especially if they'll distract from bigger, messier, more expensive improvements. Now is the time for a dramatic wallpapered accent wall; new window coverings; a bold backsplash. In comparison, it's probably best to hold off on ripping out the entire kitchen in mid November if you're expecting guests in early December. Don't put that kind of pressure on your contractor - or yourself.

Do what you can do - and then stop caring about the rest. In theory, these people are visiting to see you, not your new carpet. But, if you want new carpet, there's no time like the present!

Quick Counter Fixes Start with the AR App
Thinking of swapping your current drab counter top for a beautiful new quartz one? Decision making is easier than ever when you use the new Augmented Reality (AR) app on your Apple device. You can see Cambria designs on your own countertops, islands and more with the new AR app. Use your device to scan the surface, then select the design you want and you'll instantly see it in your own space. Want to touch and feel the product you fall in love with?
Cambria quartz surfaces can be found at Woodward Kitchen & Bath. 251-3865

Remodeling, design and accessories by Clear Images Home. 818-216-5040
Remodeling, design and accessories by Clear Images Home. 818-216-5040
Did you Know...
Deco custom frames that match the casing you already have around your doors can be installed to frame shutters in your home? If the casings around your doors are lovely, these custom framing options can pair perfectly with both them - and your gorgeous new shutter upgrade. Want to know how this distinct, unique service would look in your home? Call for a consultation.
Shutter World 775-7700

Prep Your Home for the Holidays & Guests
Let SCV Water help you prepare your home for the holidays and your out-of-town guests. SCV Water has partnered with WaterWise Consulting, Inc. to provide Santa Clarita residents with free Home Water Use Check-ups that will look at outdoor and indoor water use. They will typically take about one hour and will check for leaks and help you install water saving devices such as faucet aerators and high-efficiency showerheads. You'll also learn about other things you can do to save a little blue (water) and a little green (money).

For a limited time only: WaterWise will be offering free Waterhawk state-of-the-art high-efficiency showerheads - a $50 value - and installation to customers that participate in the Water Check-up program. Smart showerheads let you know when the temperature is right so you know when to jump in the shower, helping you save energy and water! Visit for more information or call to schedule your free check-up. 888-987-9473
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