Paul Davis Restoration of Santa Clarita Named Top-rated Franchise in Customer Service as Company Rushes to Help Neighbors
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"It's heartbreaking," says Joel Moss, as he ends a call with another SCV resident whose home was damaged by smoke during the Tick Fire. "Once the neighborhood repopulated, most people thought that they'd just open the doors and things would be like normal," says the co-owner of Paul Davis Restoration of Santa Clarita. "For a lot, it's not. Even with windows and doors closed, smoke and fire debris can find its way in. I saw on Facebook that the general advice was, 'Spray some Febreeze, open the windows, vacuum the floors,' and all of that is a bad idea for the health of the home! Covering up smells and kicking up particulates into the air your family breathes is dangerous. A lot of our neighbors didn't know that they could file an insurance claim for smoke damage and have their homes professionally restored."
Those restorations have kept the Paul Davis Restoration of Santa Clarita team busy. "In many cases, we'll remove all 'soft' contents - furniture, clothing, books, you name it - for professional cleaning off site. Then, using our patented technology, we'll address the smoke damage to the insulation, drywall, carpets, hard surfaces... It's a ceiling-to-floor process that returns the home to a healthier state. People don't realize that they're breathing everything that burned - paints, chemicals, treated woods, pesticides and herbicides... You can't control the air outside your home, but if you can get rid of those particulates inside, you should," says Moss.
That kind of attention to detail - and compassion - is what has quickly propelled Paul Davis Restoration of Santa Clarita to the top of their industry for damage restoration of residential and commercial buildings. They recently announced the company's customers have rated the level of service provided by the restoration firm at the top of the ranking scale for satisfaction in 2019, as surveyed and recorded by Net Promoter Score (NPS). Paul Davis of Santa Clarita has also been recognized by The Signal newspaper's 2019 "Best Of" award from readers' votes.
Yes, You may have Smoke Damage
Smoke damage can wreck havoc on the long-term health of everyone in the home - even pets. If you live in a fire zone, and especially if you were in an evacuation zone, it's worthwhile to evaluate your home for smoke damage - or have a pro do it for you. Remember - the human sense of smell is generally quite lacking - and you can grow accustomed to scents, too. Don't depend on your nose to tell you if your home should be evaluated for smoke damage.
Don't Duck Duct Work
Often, residents might think that they have escaped smoke damage until they run their air conditioner or heater. If you noticed a smell of smoke when first running your air system, or if you were in an evacuation zone and don't see or smell signs of smoke, you may want to discontinue use and have it evaluated immediately. Recirculating air that is tainted with smoke particulates can be dangerous.
Seek Out Stains & Signs of Soot
Mild yellowing on walls, ceilings, vinyl or plastic surfaces; a gritty or oily feel to stone and tile; signs of rust or corrosion on metal hardware; any soot or debris in crevices and more are a clear sign of smoke damage. On top of ceiling-fan blades is another smart place to check. Be sure to check enclosed places - dresser drawers, closed closets, wall cavities, behind drapes or on blinds, too.
Stay Free of Fabric Sprays
Fabric surfaces - blankets, sofas, clothes, pillows and more - absorb scents easily. There's a temptation to spray the surface with a fabric freshener, but while that may mask the smell, it doesn't do anything to remove the microscopic particulates embedded in the weave of the fabric. "Every time you sit on a couch that has smoke damage, pull on a smoke-damaged sweater, cuddle up with a blanket or step on or vacuum a carpet, you're releasing particles into the air you breathe," says Moss. "Putting it through a wash cycle in a home laundry system isn't going to get it all out, either. Our neighbors are shocked by the industrial-grade technology required to truly rid a home of smoke damage, but they're happy to know that they're protecting their family's health."
Even if you don't see or smell signs of smoke damage, it can be pervasive in insulation, attic space and more. Families with members who have respiratory or immunity issues are especially encouraged to seek out a professional evaluation. Most home insurance polices cover smoke damage, even if you've tried to remediate the issue yourself. Paul Davis Restoration of Santa Clarita can evaluate your home for smoke damage so you can determine if you'd like to make an insurance claim or pay for the restoration out of pocket. "When they call us first, we can give them all the options. We work closely with every insurance company in the market for the benefit of our clients," says Moss.