Right At Home
December, 2019 - Issue #183

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courtesy of Shutterstock

Ready, Set, Paint
If your Home's Exterior Needs a New Coat, Now's the Time
Don't risk the integrity of your home's exterior by going another wet and windy season exposed. On the exterior of your home, a professional paint job translates to beauty and elegance, but it also does much more - paint is a barrier against the elements that attack the integrity of your house.
ALLBRiGHT 1-800-Painting

Optimize Your Landscape with SCV Water's Free December Gardening Classes
Thursday | December 13
Maintaining a Sustainable Landscape @ 6:30pm

Saturday | December 14
Lawn Removal:The Basics @ 9am

The weather in the SCV in December is usually crisp with plenty of warm sun. Now is a great time to do one of two things: set up a plan to maintain your landscape through the winter or make a big change for the new year - like removing your lawn in favor of more colorful and waterefficient alternatives.

SCV Water has two December gardening classes that will help you optimize your landscape, no matter your goal. If your landscape has been established for a while now, but you want to keep it looking good, join them on Thursday, December 12 to learn effective methods to manage and maintain a sustainable Landscape. You'll soon find out that sustainable and efficient can still be beautiful.

Are you ready to take the next step to ditch your lawn? Learn the step-by-step process of "The Basics of Lawn Removal" on Saturday, December 14. Participants will discover the best types of plants to replace grass. Do you want to leave a little grass in your landscape? They'll cover best maintenance practices that can make it more drought tolerant.
All classes are held at SCV Water.
To register, log on.

With the influx of holiday decor, gifts and more, it's easy for your home to get - and stay - cluttered.Here's how to manage the mess during the busiest season of the year.

Combine & Compact
The moment you walk in the door from shopping or the mail box, take two minutes to combine any bags and packages in the most compact way possible. That may mean opening and immediately recycling shipping boxes and putting gifts from multiple stores into the largest bag.

Toss it All
Ok, maybe you can't throw everything away, but be brutal when it comes to eliminating all the "stuff" that makes its way into the home. This is your permission to toss the holiday card from your urologist (And your Aunt Sandy.) after only a quick, thankful peek.

Give it Away
Why wait for spring cleaning to purge? You might not have time to go through every drawer and box, but even if you can move a quick trunk-full to a donation station, you're on the right track. Focus on what people in need can use now: jackets, sweaters, close-toed shoes, boots, kids' toys, warm children's clothing and bedding.

Upgrade your Storage

Entertain in style while also keeping kitchen and entertainment essentials on hand. Discover clever collections like this one during the Black Friday Clearance Sale.
A Royal Suite 259-7000

Make Space for a Moody Adult-only Den
Rich, dark color on the walls paired with custom sofas and a great concrete table adds tons of texture and a unique feel. It's all about balance - so choose a darker wall color paired with light furniture so the room doesn't feel like a real cave. A metal light fixture adds additional dimension and layered light.
Rebecca Rollins Interiors 367-4394

Your stockings are hung by the chimney with care... oh, who are we kidding? Most of us haven't even started our shopping yet. These local pros will catch you up.

Christmas the JeannaLovesChristmas Way
The Inside SCV office has been beautifully decorated for the holidays since the end of October because we have our own resident Chief Inspiration Officer - JeannaLovesChristmas - in house! Need a little nod from the North Pole yourself? Follow JeannaLovesChristmas on Instagram and Facebook for your daily dose of all things glittery, gorgeous and St. Nick approved!

Wrap it Up...
With Shipping Boxes
Cover them in the prettiest of papers and add a beautiful bow for an oversized decoration that will always be wowing.

With Coordinating Gift Wrap
That Paw Patrol paper is tempting - but resist! Select a gift wrap or two that coordinates with your tree for a look that's clean and festive. It doesn't have to be a perfect match - just keep what's under your tree the same tones as what's on your tree.

Without a Trip to Urgent Care
Go easy on the glitter. "Nobody loves glitter as much as I do, but glitter on your gifts is a mess - and it's all fun and festive games until your kid or Grandma gets glitter transferred from their hand to their eye," reminds Jeanna of JeannaLovesChristmas. Consider satin ribbon and a simple shoelace-style bow. It's timeless, always elegant and it will keep you out of the ER - and close to the spiked eggnog.

Without a Thousand Bows
If you "just can't" with all those bows, we get you. "After your gifts are wrapped and carefully placed under your tree, add bows to the stars of the show - the most visible and prominent boxes. Nobody will know you're as clever as can be!" shares Jeanna.

Tend to your Trees...
And get Inspired
Find a theme or an item that really gets you inspired; once you have the inspo, the tree design really falls into place from there. "Don't limit your inspiration to the ornament aisle," says the professional holiday designer. "Some of my favorite tree decor wasn't created for it's final destination of tree perfection!"

And Choose Rad Ribbons
Choose up to three that complement each other. This doesn't mean they have to match. Seek textures and tones that make you say, "Woah!" and weave them together until they become one within your tree.

And let Ornaments Dance on the Branch
Tuck the largest of your ornaments in the holes of the tree and let the others dance on the branches. The ornaments are the star of the show - everything else plays a supporting role.

And Add the Sprays and Picks
"Don't forget these special additions," reminds Jeanna. Grab a few dozen and add them at the end into any holes or places that need a little something. Seek texture and a break in the triangular shape of your tree.

And Start at the Top
Don't forget to start at the top - trees are just like people. "Give the top a perfect style - and smile - and work your way down," says the designer, who's been adorning trees and homes for nearly two decades.

Schedule your Professional Lighting Installation Today
Forget hanging stockings with care - a toddler can pull that off. When it comes to cautious work, the winner is: outdoor holiday light installation. Your neighbors will break into smiles - without you breaking a leg - when you outsource your lighting install to a pro who's been featured on numerous local news channels. Darell Lee uses premium LED lights, an eye for design and the newest decor elements to make your home glow gorgeously - no "you on a ladder" required. It's an affordable luxury that's a gift to your community - just don't wait. This is a popular service that books quickly.
Christmas Lights Installation 297-7013

Holiday Home Prep in a Flash
Get your natural stone, tile, grout, concrete and brick sparkling while your carpet and upholstery are returned to their like-new glory thanks to Surface Buster's powerful truck-mounted trailer system and EPA-approved solutions. High-powered suction makes everything dry faster, too, getting you back to life and last-minute holiday prep.
Surface Busters 312-2369
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