Right At Home
November, 2021 - Issue #205

Pretty is as Pretty Does
Beauty shouldn't be only skin deep - or, in the case of home improvements... beauty should be matched by functionality.

Custom Built & American Made in Eight Weeks or Less
There's new reasons to visit locally-owned and operated A Royal Suite Home Furnishings: a new, gorgeously-appointed showroom; new (But familiar!) staff; and new upscale furniture lines.
But our newest reason for heading to the furniture store: A Royal Suite's custom-built furniture that can be in our living rooms in eight weeks or less. American made with high-quality materials, ARS's custom selections put you in the driver's seat of design. Build your living room group the way you want it by choosing your favorite shape, fabrics, pillows, legs, accents - even custom firmness.
A Royal Suite Home Furnishings 259-7000

Paint on an Extra Coat of Value
It's no secret: This is the time to paint your home. The weather's still good, the busyness of the holiday season hasn't yet picked up and... it's one more layer of value to add to your home.
Painting doesn't just improve the style of your space - it adds real, quantifiable value to your home. A recent report on home values showed that painting the exterior of your home could have an average return on investment of 142 percent. Impressed? Now imagine that you get to realize that value while better protecting your home from the elements and improving your quality of life while also improving the quality of your curb appeal. The right paint - and painting company - can do all that, and more.
ALLBRIGHT 1-800-Painting 294-1159

Pull Off a Uniformly-gorgeous Space with High-function Decorative Hardware
Decorative hardware, like these brushed-nickel beauties, is the accessory that adds all the elegance you could ever desire while offering exceptional functionality. Choose well-made pieces that feel weighty in the hand and boast a depth of finish that will shine on for years to come.
Dannick Design Inc. 775-7430
courtesy of Shutterstock (right)
courtesy of Shutterstock (right)

Is this a Thing?
When you're out of your element, you might not be sure if what you're seeing is truly a "thing," or if it's just a thing. Here, three confirmed things that are absolutely, without a doubt, also "things."

Dramatic Bathrooms are a Thing
The trick to creating balance in a bathroom with harsh materials is bringing in warmth with wood tones. A warm wood tone with an abundance of texture is key. The rich brown tones pair so effortlessly with the concrete textures. Layer different shades of gray for a complete modern feel.
Rebecca Rollins Interiors 367-4394

Getting Floor Samples Delivered to your Door is a Thing
Shopping for new floors doesn't have to mean multiple trips to your favorite store. You can browse Brent Carpet One's wide selection from the comfort of your home, pick your favorite six options, and Brent's will send samples right to your mailbox. Once you choose the floor you love, the local biz will work with you how, when and where you want for a convenient, easy and stress-free flooring experience. You can order up to six samples for only $12 (Shipping is included!) and they'll be delivered to your door in two to three business days, where you can view each sample right where it matters most: your home.
Brent's Carpet One 255-3337

Free 3D Designs of your New Closet are a Thing
Kinda sorta know exactly what you want when it comes to building your new closet - but need to "see it" first? Enter free 3D designs of your storage and wardrobe spaces, where you can get a picture-perfect idea of exactly what you need - and want - when it comes to your new, beautifully-organized closet.
Adjustable Closet & Cabinets, Inc. 257-3750
courtesy of Shutterstock
courtesy of Shutterstock

Be Water Wise, not Water Weary
When it comes to one of the most essential elements on the planet, more is usually a good thing - unless that bonus water is causing mold or being wasted. Here, two smart ways to be water wise this month.

SCV Water Offers Free Drought-ready Home Checkups
SCV Water is now offering drought-ready home checkups to customers to help them prepare for another multi-year drought. These checkups will focus on outdoor water use and are designed to detect leaks, identify opportunities to increase irrigation performance and to provide tips and tools to help customers save water.
"SCV Water is excited to offer our residential customers a 'drought-ready' program to help them prepare for continued and intensifying drought conditions," said Matthew Dickens, sustainability manager. "With this program, they'll receive a Drought Ready Kit with water-saving devices. And most importantly, they'll learn how to reduce water waste and increase irrigation efficiencies."
Program Details
WaterWise Consulting, Inc. conducts the in-person checkups focusing on outdoor areas of the home, like your landscaped areas, garage and/or porch. The service takes about one hour to complete and will include leak detection and a complete evaluation of your irrigation system.
At the beginning of the scheduled service, customers will receive a Water Efficiency Kit, which includes materials needed for the checkup such as leak detection supplies, high-efficiency water-saving devices, a shower timer, push broom and soil moisture meter.
This service is offered to residential customers at no additional cost.

Musty Mold is a "Must" Remove
Mold and mildew build up over time in damp areas - yes, even in arid Santa Clarita! They are naturally-occurring microorganisms that exist everywhere - but when they build up, they can wreck havoc on your health and your home. Here, the mold remediation and removal experts at Paul Davis Restoration of Santa Clarita address the most common misconceptions.
Myth: Bleach Kills Mold
Bleach is only effective on non-porous surfaces and can be more dangerous than the mold itself. Dead mold is still toxigenic - you have to remove the spores to remove the risk. Plus, bleached areas can make the mold difficult to detect - without removing the problem. In summary: Skip the bleach and call the experts.
Myth: Fans & Dehumidifiers in Moldy Areas Help
These actually can do more harm than good - mold spores can travel and reproduce by becoming airborne and landing on other damp areas. Mold prevention, like opening windows and using fans when you shower, are great - but they won't do much once mold or mildew has already settled in.
Myth: If it's not Black Mold, it's No Big Deal
According to the CDC, the color of the mold is not really a good indicator of the type of mold. There are hundreds of types, all varying in color. All molds should be given respect to potential health risks and removal.
Myth: It's "just" Mildew
The law and industry treats mold and mildew the same, as they have the same respiratory effects on people. If you see mildew, treat it like mold - and call an expert.
Paul Davis Restoration of Santa Clarita 310-0884
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